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Joined Jul. 23, 2013 10:11am

GR2828's Pregnancy

My Due Date: April 1, 2014
I have given birth!
Age: 34 years old
Expecting: Twins

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My Journal

Update and 26 weeks!
By GR2828 » Posted Dec. 26, 2013 9:32pm - 282 views - 0 comments

So basically I'm way behind on these entries, and I wish I had kept up with them. It's been busy though, because I was visiting family for a couple weeks, and then Jim came home for Christmas. Luckily he graduates very soon, so we should know more about when we are moving. I will urge them, that we need to move ASAP of course! My third trimester starts in less then a week, and it's hard knowing we're on the final baby countdown, but we can barely do anything to get ready for them until we move. Needless to say, that reality hit me today, so I just want to get things moving so we can get ready for our amazing boys!
Since I didn't do the last couple weeks questions, I'll just update on a couple things before doing this weeks one. The whole time I was visiting family, my big craving was for smoothies. Luckily they have a ton of smoothie places there, unlike here, and I discovered my favorite one; Planet Smoothie. Actually all I wanted for dinner tonight was my favorite smoothie from there...too bad it's 3,000 miles away and there are ZERO smoothie places within 50 miles of here. Anyway, I've still been feeling really good! Mobility is getting harder as my belly gets bigger...like getting out of certain chairs and putting on socks and boots, haha. Fingers crossed everything continues to go smoothly and I can carry these babies to term!
Last ultrasound (12/11/13) - 24w1d: Ultrasound went great! Babies look fantastic and both were the same weight, 1lb 8oz! So happy that baby B is now the same size as baby A! Hopefully they will continue to grow at the same pace. They were also both head down again this time; fingers crossed they stay that way!! Fluids around both babies look really good too. My iron went up after a month of the supplement, but found out after glucose test that it's back down (see below). Measured 32 weeks!
Glucose test/appointment (12/23/13): Glucose test wasn't terrible, and I passed thank goodness! My iron went back down, so they bumped me to the supplement twice a day. So I take iron in the morning, prenatals with lunch, and iron again at night with orange juice. Since so u/s today, midwife listened to their heart beats. Jim got to help with that, which was neat. It took a while to definitely get both heart rates because baby A was all over the place. They sounded great, baby A: 140-150, baby B: 130-140. Measured 34 weeks! Next u/s as usual on schedule, for the 10th.

How far along? 26 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: ~ 33 pounds
Maternity clothes? Pretty much only maternity now, but still wear some non-maternity. Old Navy Maternity shirts are by far my favorite! Getting more this weekend!
Stretch marks? Nope - one is threatening to appear where my belly button used to be pierced, but thats it.
Sleep: Some nights I sleep great, others not so much. My dreams are weird most nights too.
Best moment this week: Having Jim come home after almost 2 months away, and having him feel the babies kick!
Miss Anything? A solid nights sleep, and eating raw cookie dough
Movement: All the time, and I love every second!
Food cravings: Last week was waffles. This week I'm loving pb&j with a glass of milk at night.
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Gender: my boys :)
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Back hurts if sitting in car too long, and a bit of stretching pains recently. Weird dreams. Nipples leaking more then before.
Belly Button in or out? Out-ish haha
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! Love having Jim home, and can't wait to get things rolling for moving.
Looking forward to: Spending time with Jim, and then finding out when we're moving!

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