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ohbabyIV's Pregnancy

My Due Date: February 7, 2015
I have given birth!
Age: 44 years old
Location: Aurora, United States

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How to halt labor, part 1
By ohbabyIV » Posted Jan. 25, 2015 8:23am - 301 views - 0 comments

Ok, so I didn't really want to stop it, but that's what happened. A little background....Friday I went to the dc for my weekly progress report. We talked about being induced and she did her check 4 cm. But, no contractions. I was told if I start having contractions, at 4 cm they would keep me. Well, Saturday would be the test of that theory. It started with low back pain until I finally laid down. When I did, I noticed I was having cx. Not just bh but real, uncomfortable cx. I started timing them. 2:45 apart! Whoa, don't panic, don't panic. This continued for over 45 minutes before I decided to alert my husband as to what was going on, and continued through sitting, walking up and down stairs and laying some more. He needed to clean up and shower so we decided that it was time to call. When the doc called me back she decided I should go get checked. At this point I also gave my mom a heads up just in case we got admitted. My husband went about, packing his bag and throwing chargers in our bags, as well as insisting we take our bags. I was skeptical. I was sooooo worried that the cx would stop the minute we pulled into the parking lot. Much to my amazement, they didn't. We get settled and changed, hooked up and run through the millions of medical history questions and they check me. Yep, 4 cm, about 50% effaced. Cx are <3 minutes apart but only lasting 45 seconds. This is when the bad news hits. Because I'm only 38 weeks, they can't do a single thing to assist with labor. I was told to walk for 2 hours and they'd check again. If I made progress, we'd go from there. We found some stairs at the hospital but then dh needed to eat so we found the cafeteria and decided I'd walk in the room while he ate. Even better, they had a ball so I rolled circles on the ball until my core ached. 7 o'clock came and it was time for the moment of truth. I got back in bed and all hooked up. Cx ranging between 3-5 minutes apart. No cervical change. Now, I'm pretty sure this is labor karma because I have read TONS of stories of women being 3, 4, 5 cm dialated for weeks and not being in labor. Riiiiight. Apparently this is what I get for being so cynical. At this point I'm confused as to when I call back because 3 minutes apart seems like legit labor. It's not, however, enough to make MY cervix change. As we drove home, my cx intensified to the point I couldn't talk through them. I was sure we'd be turning right around. We had resolved to take a walk and DTD when we got home, but first, some spicy food. We got wings and I ate the hottest ones I could tolerate. At this point, cx were so strong I was terrified my water was going to break so we left. I decided to take a bath when we got home because I was cold and very sore from so much movement and extreme spd pain. Rrrrrrrrt! This is when all of a sudden everything halts. I sit there pouting until the water gets chilly and get out so we can try some sex and nipple stimulation. We do, and I fall asleep frustrated and sore from a day of cx with no progress. I woke up several times in the night to pee hoping my water would trickle down my leg on the way to the toilet but nope. At 4:45 a cx woke me up and I got too excited to sleep. At 6:45 I went to the bathroom and had a giant amount of bright red nastiness, which, I didn't exect because I was 95% sure I had a bloody show yesterday, and becaUse it's red, not brown, and not even dark. So now here we are, having cx about every 15 minutes and wondering what today will hold. I do know one thing. No matter how long I sit here having cx at 3 minutes apart, if they aren't a minute or more, I'm going to do everything I can to try to wait it out.....

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