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Joined Sep. 4, 2013 11:22am

kellyluvs's Pregnancy

My Due Date: May 16, 2014
I have given birth!
Age: 44 years old

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My Journal

By kellyluvs » Posted Nov. 12, 2013 11:44pm - 232 views - 0 comments

On day 2 of no morning sickness or the knot I get in my stomach (what I call indigestion) after eating is also diminishing. I think the prenatal vitamins I was taking took too long to digest. I just don't have the extra bile to digest some foods and apparently vitamins anymore. I had a trial of Rx vitamins the doctor sent home with me in my goodie bag from my last appointment. I forgot about them until recently, so I tried them. I immediately noticed that knot in my stomach lessen. I take my vitamins with dinner and that's when I had the most trouble. So I had made up my mind to ask the doctor for a full dosage of those vitamins. Then I priced them online through the insurance site because our deductible hasn't been met yet. So we would be paying for them at full cost out of pocket. Then we happened to go down the vitamin aile at Walmart and I saw the gummy version of the vitamins. I took a gander at the supplemental facts and saw it contained the recommended requirement of folic acid and DHA for $11 for 45 days. That's almost half of what I'd pay for the Rx and those still gave me a little knot after taking them. Can you tell I hate taking pills? I obviously picked up the gummy vitamins and took started taking them that night. Oh my goodness they taste just like gummy bears mmmmm yummy. The best part....absolutely no knot after taking them. I can't even begin to express the delight I've had the past two nights of not getting sick because of that nasty knot. Not only has it been the last two nights of being sick free but the last two days as well.

*does happy dance*

Ok that enough of that. I am just so thrilled. Oh not only have I not been been sick but I've been eating whatever I want without the "you are not supposed to eat that" cloud over my head. I know I'm not supposed to eat fatty/greasy food or spicy food or basically anything yummy. Not just because of the pregnancy but previous medical reasons (if not for health conscious reasons) inhibit my eating habits. Bah, I know the consequence of it and I deal with it when I want to indulge. Granted I do follow my diet to a point but I have to indulge once in a while, if I don't I'd go crazy.

My only complaint...I woke up this morning with this pain behind my left shoulder blade. I've had these pains before but not to this extent. Usually it's more of a nuisance than anything, but this is actually painful. It hurts to even breathe let alone move around. It's almost gotten to the point tonight that I can't pick anything up with that hand. I hope it doesn't get worse overnight. I think I just slept on it wrong but I don't know. I want to put aspercreme on it so bad but I'm afraid I'm not allowed to. The heating pad isn't working at all and I just don't want to take Tylenol. Yes, I will put up with pain and will moan and complain about it and refuse to take medication until the pain is completely debilitating. That's who much I hate taking pills.

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