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Joined Oct. 1, 2013 1:20pm

HzlGreenEyes's Pregnancy

My Due Date: February 5, 2016
I have given birth!
Age: 41 years old
Location: New Jersey, United States

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My Journal

By HzlGreenEyes » Posted Jan. 19, 2016 10:40am - 503 views - 6 comments

I made a call into my ob/gyn's office this morning and got in right away. I've had contractions that started on Sunday night, they went away, however, I had continual cramping and lower back pain all day yesterday and was very uncomfortable sleeping last night. Cramps continued this morning. Doc did an NST and baby is doing great. He checked my cervix which is 0% dilated and 60% effaced. Doc doesn't seem too concerned if I go into labor at this point and told me that these are false labor pains but they can turn into labor or go away. Honestly, I hope Mathew stays in until Feb 5th, but also hope that either these cramps go away or he comes soon. I'm so uncomfortable. Doc wants me to go in again on Friday for another NST. So tired and hurting.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from rcorinne » Posted Jan. 20, 2016 2:48pm
Take care. You won't have to be pregnant much longer. It's such a milestone to make it this far. Prayers for you and baby Mathew!

Comment from HzlGreenEyes » Posted Jan. 20, 2016 11:15am
Thank you! Ericalee, no you don't sound creepy. I've been known to stalk other ladies here too especially toward the end of their pregnancies!! I actually appreciate the support i have been receiving here! Because of this episode of cramping and contractions last night, I have decided (after talking to my hubby of course) to start my disabilty (Marternity Leave) tomorrow the 21st. I hate not being able to be reliant at the office although my boss wouldn't know what to do without me, but I can't put in the time especially with all these added doc appointments now since the start of false labor.

Comment from lala_0412 » Posted Jan. 19, 2016 4:36pm
I'm sorry. I hope it goes away and Mathew stays a bit longer as well. The good part is your almost there. Take it easy mama!

Comment from MalPal85 » Posted Jan. 19, 2016 2:52pm
Sorry about the discomfort. You're so close! Can't wait for the news soon!

Comment from ericalee » Posted Jan. 19, 2016 2:46pm
The last few weeks are challenging enough without all of this extra discomfort you are dealing with!! I hope it goes away soon so you can have a stress free few weeks. This may sound creepy... but I am going to be away on vacation on Feb 5th, but I SO can't wait to read a birth announcement from you. I'm going to have to make sure to log in while I'm on vacay. :)

Comment from Amanda_McDaniel » Posted Jan. 19, 2016 1:25pm
Bless your heart. The discomfort leading up to is the worst part. Being a woman is hard work.

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