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Cattsmeow's Pregnancy

My Due Date: November 24, 2015
I have given birth!
Age: 37 years old

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Valerie is 7 weeks old tomorrow!
By Cattsmeow » Posted Jan. 4, 2016 2:55pm - 598 views - 8 comments

Time is just flying right by. I had to go look at the calender to count the weeks, but sure enough, Miss V will be 7 weeks old tomorrow! Holy crow! She's still growing like a weed, and hogging down bottles. We tried her on the soy formula her doctor gave us, and it made her gassiness so much worse. Poor thing was farting so much and so hard it irritated her bottom really bad. So we switched her to the Enafamil AR that her doctor also gave us to try. BIG difference. She's still gassy but not so much that it is causing her pain. She actually burps now without spitting up and we have had no episodes of projectile vomit. The colic drops we got her have cut her crying time due to the colic drastically. We were averaging 5-6 hours a night of crying and screaming before we started the drops, and now we're down to less than 2 hours, which is amazing! I'm attaching a picture of Valerie and I to this post. My husband caught us snoozing on the couch together.

Afm, I had my postpartum visit today. My doctor put me back on zoloft to help with my PPD and anxiety. We also scheduled my tubal surgery for next Tuesday morning. She tried to talk me into getting the Essure procedure done, but I am not comfortable with getting the implants at all, so we're tying my tubes. I'm a bit nervous about the surgery, but I know that I am done having children, and that this is the best decision for myself and my family. My husband and I were talking about it, and we both agree that we can not handle any more babies. Plus, with the addition of Valerie, we feel as if our family is complete. We are thinking about becoming foster parents when our children get a bit older and we get settled into a larger house, so that thought helps my sanity when I start thinking "What if I want another child 5 years down the road?".

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from stephc2010 » Posted Jan. 6, 2016 12:51am
I'm glad that the changes you guys are making for Valerie seem to be working. Hopefully her gassiness eases up, too! My daughter had terrible gas when she was a newborn and I always felt so bad for her. I really hope that the Zoloft helps you with your PPD and anxiety. I'm sure it's a bittersweet feeling when you decide you're done having babies, but being a foster parent would be great! My husband always talked about wanting to do that as well when we're done having kids. :) I hope your surgery goes well next week and your recovery is fast!

Comment from Summer0120 » Posted Jan. 5, 2016 8:52am
Love the picture! So sweet! I'm jealous. Can't wait to snuggle my baby girl like that. Glad the new formula is helping with the spit up. I hope the gas starts to ease up for her, too. Poor baby!!

Comment from Cattsmeow » Posted Jan. 4, 2016 8:51pm
Amanda, I get that all the time too. I know I am done, and while I will miss it, I'm ok with that. And the Essure procedure...they insert coils into the tubes, and after some time scar tissue forms around them and blocks the tubes.

Mal, the gas drops were a llifesaver for us in the beginning. Valerie has some reflux issues, so the gas drops only get us so far. Right now it's just finding a formula that doesn't destroy her tummy.

Comment from Amanda_McDaniel » Posted Jan. 4, 2016 8:45pm
It's funny how a woman knows when she's done. Men and even other women are always saying "you say that now" to me but I know Caroline will complete my already pretty perfect and she and my boys are all I will ever need. I've never heard of the Essure procedure though.

Comment from MalPal85 » Posted Jan. 4, 2016 4:49pm
Glad Valerie is doing well. We've had some projectile vomits too. I bought some gas drops and so far today we have my had issues am but some if his burps sound painful. Glad you got everything straightened out at your 6 week PP appointment.

Comment from pbc910 » Posted Jan. 4, 2016 4:28pm
Oh god yes my breakfast this morning with cookies. I honestly can't remember the last time I had an actual meal. I knew that having our own children would put a not strain but would be difficult for our marriage just because we have different opinions on things especially how to raise children. Plus it's not easy when your wife is a hormonal crazy mess. Also doesn't help the last time we were intimate was more than 6 months ago and I don't even know how we could even squeeze in anything with these babies. The best thing I guess is that it does get better or else people wouldn't be having babies all the time!

Comment from Cattsmeow » Posted Jan. 4, 2016 3:23pm
I pretty much knew the minute I found out I was pregnant with Valerie that I was done. My pregnancy with her really took a toll on my body. Plus, my marriage is floundering at the moment (colicky baby crying all the time, my depression and anxiety, his depression, our oldests behavior problems, etc.). My husband and I are in complete agreement that we may not make it through another pregnancy and baby, unfortunately, so we're ok with my decision to get the tubal. It's really bad when Valerie and my 17 month old get going at the same time. So I totally get the wanting to run away. lol. And the eating! Oh my, I'm lucky if I eat a solid meal every other day. Some of it is my depression, but a lot of it is that I get so busy taking care of the kids that I forget to eat myself. =/

Comment from pbc910 » Posted Jan. 4, 2016 3:11pm
DH wanted me to get my tubes tied along with the c-section but I'm not ready for that yet even though I don't want more (At this time). I am going back on pills but can't until my next period (whenever that will be) so I am super paranoid about being intimate because I certainly don't want anymore kiddos right now! It's good to hear the changes you all have been making are working for her. I can't imagine how hard it is to have a baby crying like that for so long each night. I had 2 crying for about 10 minutes today at the same time and I almost ran away. Sure, they cry but never like that at the same time. They've been fussy monsters for a couple days so I hope its a growth spurt. I hope the Zoloft helps and I hope my doctor will let me go back on Lexapro. She's a very "eat better you'll feel better" kind of doctor but I can hardly eat one meal a day let alone work on my whole diet to feel better. Good luck on your surgery and hopefully your recovery is quick!!!

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