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stephc2010's Pregnancy

My Due Date: May 9, 2016
I have given birth!
Age: 31 years old
Location: Maryland, United States

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My Journal

By stephc2010 » Posted Mar. 15, 2016 6:40am - 453 views - 6 comments

80% complete, 55 days to go.

I was literally finishing up the last question on my weekly survey when my daughter grabbed my mouse and hit the back button. That's just a small idea of how these last two weeks have been... I didn't bother with a journal entry last week or even a bump picture. I have no energy and no motivation. My daughter is really acting out lately. She doesn't listen, she has started throwing things, she'll throw tantrums if she is told "no". Terrible two's have started early over here, and by the time nap time comes around, I'm already on the verge of tears. It's such a struggle to make it through the day most of the time. It's exhausting having to constantly redirect her, specifically on things that my in laws allow her to do that she isn't allowed to do here at home. Example, she is not allowed to play with the things in our desk drawer, but my mother in law lets her do it every time she's there. I told my husband to say something to her about it, but he doesn't think it's a big deal. Well, he's not the one who has to pick up pens and crayons, etc. off the floor multiple times a day. I've found that I have very little patience with her and get frustrated with the smallest things, and I have so much guilt over it that it sometimes keeps me up at night.

To make things worse, my husband hurt his knee playing hockey over the weekend and is currently getting around using crutches, which means I have to help him with nearly everything. Nothing is broken, he was diagnosed with a sprained knee, but he's still in a bit of pain. The night it happened, he couldn't put much, if any, pressure on it and it was very swollen. His sister, who is a nurse, insisted he get checked out at the ER, so that's what he ended up doing. No clue how much that will cost us, but glad that nothing is broken. We're considering scheduling a follow up appointment if the pain doesn't get better soon, just to make sure that the ligaments are fine. He is still determined to go to work, but I think I finally convinced him to take a few days off. Unfortunately, he thinks he'll still lose attendance points, even though he's on crutches and the ER doctor said to rest, apply ice, keep foot elevated, etc.

This has been a very emotional, stressful and just awful two weeks for me. :(

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from stephc2010 » Posted Mar. 16, 2016 12:58pm
Thanks ladies! It's been hard keeping up with helping my husband. Luckily, he seems to be feeling better, so we're thinking it is just a bad sprain. He called off work last night and already called off for tonight. He's able to put a bit more pressure on his knee and doesn't always need to use the crutches to get around. As for my daughter, I'm pretty sure she's a sour patch kid, lol. She can drive me insane one minute, then be completely sweet and loving the next. She's still having meltdowns over the smallest things, and I'm trying my hardest not to just cry right along with her... Hoping that things will improve over the next few days.

Comment from Galanthus » Posted Mar. 16, 2016 11:31am
Aww Steph, so sorry to hear things are rough right now. I hope things pick up soon!

RICE for that knee. Rest, ice, compression and elevation. It won't speed up healing (contrary to popular belief) but it will help with the swelling and the pain and as such indirectly help with healing.

Comment from Cattsmeow » Posted Mar. 15, 2016 9:17am
Oh, the biting! I hate the biting phase. When my almost 6 year old started biting, I bit him back. Not hard enough to hurt him, but enough that he didn't like it. He never bit anyone again. My 19 month old thinks it's funny to bite people and biting back just makes him laugh. He bit my daughter this morning and she's already got a bruise forming on her hand where he bit her. Oi! I hope you find a deterrent that works for your daughter soon. I know how rough it is. Hang in there, Hun.

Comment from Starmama14 » Posted Mar. 15, 2016 9:05am
Aww man...I can't even imagine what you're going through. My daughter is almost 19 months too and I know what a struggle that must be for you! I wish I had some advice for you, but I don't :( Other than, hang in there - things will eventually get better. I am here if you need to talk/vent! Good luck!

Comment from stephc2010 » Posted Mar. 15, 2016 7:47am
My husband has always been pretty rough on himself physically. He snowboards every winter, so his knees were already pretty messed up. We're both hoping it's just a bad sprain.

My daughter will be 19 months tomorrow. And I hate to admit that I've given her a few swats to the diaper already. Another thing I forgot to mention is that she bites every once in a while, too! But even the swat on the diaper doesn't even help sometimes. She'll usually just laugh at me because she thinks it's funny. I'm sure that she doesn't get out of the house enough, but I have no energy to take her places. :(

Comment from Cattsmeow » Posted Mar. 15, 2016 7:37am
I'm sorry about your husband's knee. I have had multiple knee sprains and they are horrible. I dislocated my knee when I was in basic training for the military 8 years ago and I still have a ton of problems with it. So I feel his pain.

How old is your daughter? My youngest son is 19 months and he is doing similar things. He's into everything, climbing on everything, screaming when told no, hitting me and the baby, etc. I wish I had some advice for you, but unfortunately I do not. All I can say is be consistent. She will eventually learn. If not, a swat to her diaper never hurts. That's the only way I can deter my son and get his attention when he's doing those things.

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