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lyssa7872's Pregnancy

My Due Date: September 21, 2014
I have given birth!
Age: 31 years old

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My Journal

"Charlie" Update. 9 more weeks for Mikah!!
By lyssa7872 » Posted Jul. 14, 2014 9:27am - 292 views - 0 comments

I feel bad that I'm not doing the stuff for Mikah that I did for my son Aryn. When I was pregnant with him I kept a pretty significant journal, and with Mikah I'm not. I've been sooo up and down with this pregnancy that it just hasn't felt right. I want only the positive things in there. Also, I'm so caught up in the Charlie drama that it feels like I just don't spend much time dwelling on her. So instead, I've done other things :) I sit with my hands on my belly and just hang out with her as often as I can. I sing to her sometimes, and I've gotten all her clothes ready. I'm soooo excited to meet her and be done being pregnant lol.

So with Charlie....
We can't watch him. His mother has determined that because we don't call him by his real name we are not allowed to watch him. Which, quite frankly, is bullshit. Everyone in our family has nicknames, and that his is from my husband, myself, and my dad. It's not like we're calling him a bad or derogatory name, so I think the whole thing is just an excuse. So basically, we're out. She told the social worker not to come inspect our place because she doesn't feel comfortable with us watching him. Well, whatever. When she loses the kid and he needs a place to stay it won't be her call. We're still the only family willing to take him on if that happens. So far it sounds like there's no medical reasons for the bruising or the broken bones. He's healthy and healing and gaining weight, and happier than any of us have ever seen him now that he's away from his parents. :( So the mother wants to get a second opinion on medical stuff at a different facility. Oh well. I'm trying my best to just focus on my babies, but it's hard because I want my heart and home prepared if we need to take him. So I can't just harden my heart and turn away from the whole situation. It's exhausting though. I would just love some answers at this point. My grandparents have been watching charlie for 3 1/2 weeks now and no one has any medical answers or told any of us what the future is going to bring. On top of it, my grandmother cannot handle both baby boys, so now Aryn has to go to daycare. Which is infuriating. I'm paying for daycare because Charlie's mother cannot be trusted with her own son. UGH.
I just want to hold my little girl and put this whole summer and situation behind us. I want to hibernate for the winter with my little family :)

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