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Joined Mar. 24, 2014 9:19am

BabyClaire11's Pregnancy

My Due Date: August 11, 2014
I have given birth!
Age: 29 years old

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My Journal

Having issues...
By BabyClaire11 » Posted Jun. 9, 2014 8:11am - 208 views - 1 comment

ever since friday's appointment and weigh in, i've been having a hard time with food. I just.. DON'T want to eat anymore. I feel like at my next appoinmtnet i need to tell my doctor that i don't want to hear anything more about my weight. I REALLY didn't want to tell my doctor about my eating disorder because i didn't want that kind of attention for it.. i don't want them thinking i'm going to be a bad mother or neglect her needs because i don't want to eat... idk. maybe i am just over thinking it.. but all i know is that the way i'm feeling because of my last weigh in is NOT good. i feel VERY very triggered, and i have not felt this way since before i got pregnant. It's taking everything i have to not fall in to my old habits.
last night i even caught myself looking up if bulimia and breast feeding would harm my baby, so my mind is already wanting me to plan ahead for the day she's out of me and i can start losing weight fast the way i want to. It's not healthy... it's really not and it worries me.

Please don't give me any hate on here because of this post- it definitely wouldn't help the situation and it would probably make it worse, so keep your rude comments to yourself please. I just needed to vent.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from Sianny » Posted Jun. 9, 2014 8:48am
Your strong hunni for coming so far with something the wide world 'thinks' they know about.
Use your techniques if you've been given any to sooth yourself and take plenty of time to relax.
I don't think you're planning ahead I actually think you are looking for the bad things so you'll be less inclined to slip into easy old ways.
If I can be any support, even if you just want to vent or need a little help please don't hesitate to message me.

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