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Joined Sep. 23, 2011 10:29am

tmyers7708's Pregnancy

My Due Date: January 28, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 35 years old
Location: cape coral, United States

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I admit it... I'm a slacker :)
By tmyers7708 » Posted Nov. 14, 2011 8:18am - 294 views - 0 comments

I've been a serious slacker when it comes to this site for the last few weeks. I've avoided it because I didn't know what to say and was getting REALLY nervous about the ultrasound/glucose test we had coming up at the time. The ultrasound was the final determination on if the cysts in Lyla's brain were gone and if they thought she would be ok so for some reason, I avoided all contact with all pregnancy related sites for about 3 weeks so that I wouldn't jinx her somehow. In retrospect, that sounds incredibly pointless because either she was going to be fine or not plain and simple. Getting involved with other peoples pregnancies wouldn't make a difference either way lol.

Well... we did the ultrasound a couple of days ago and she's perfect! The cysts dissolved themselves and the echo in her heart is almost non existent. Did a few other tests and she is negative for Down's Syndrome and Cystic Fibrosis as well! Might as well start from the beginning of the event lol. Her heart rate was only 125 but the technician said that is probably because the little one was asleep when she was calculating it. They checked the echo in her heart to see how that was since they were already there and that is almost non existent. As she checked Lyla's brain, I kept asking over and over again if she was ok and when I finally heard the words "Everything looks good! I don't see the cysts!" I think a weight the size of an elephant got off of my chest. So my doctor was right and the cysts definitely dissolved themselves.

Since it was a nice ultrasound tech, she gave us 8 new pictures and double checked to make sure we were having a little girl. (obviously we are or that would have been the first thing i posted on here lol) She got a good one of Lyla's foot (with 5 toes!), 2 profile pictures where she is sucking her thumb again, one REALLY clear one of her sleeping face, one where she is yawning and you can even see her tongue, one of what looks like her lips and nose pressed against the camera (even though I'm sure that's impossible lol) and 2 more gender shots.

The glucose test really wasn't as bad as everyone led me to believe and now that it's done and over with, I can't believe I was really as nervous as I was lol. I get the results of that in a few more days. Given the events of that day, apparently the glucose test was the least of my worries lol.

I have gained a total of (estimating because I'm afraid of scales these days unless I'm forced onto it by a nurse) 22-25 lbs since I found out I was pregnant! If I'm lucky, I'll keep it low because in my family, women have a horrible habit of getting pregnant and never losing the weight again and that just can't happen to me lol. I worked too hard to get my semi toned/semi squishy but not quite fat body and I want it back when Lyla's done lol.

Speaking of which, I officially have my first stretch marks too! I was soooooooo angry when I noticed them but almost immediately got over it. :) There are only about 6 of them and none are more than one half inch long anyways but I was hoping to be lucky and not get them.

We have a 3d/4d ultrasound coming up on the 17th and I can't wait! My entire family will be there and we get to see our little girl almost exactly as she'll be when she comes out. Coincidentally, the 17th is also the day that I reach 30 weeks! I can't believe how fast time is flying. If she were to be born 2 weeks and 3 days from now, that is exactly when I was born when my mom was pregnant. It's so hard to believe that we made it this far after so many losses.

My baby shower is also coming up fast. November 27th seemed nice and far away when the planning started. Now its a couple of weeks away and it feels like it's too soon. Aside from me panicking because I'm having classic new mom fears about raising my daughter, everything is going great and I will do what I can to not be a slacker anymore :)

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