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Joined Feb. 15, 2015 11:04am

Kate0406's Pregnancy

My Due Date: February 4, 2016
I have given birth!
Age: 37 years old

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just random things -some what venting-
By Kate0406 » Posted Jun. 15, 2015 12:39pm - 242 views - 3 comments

I really need to keep myself hydrated. I've always been bad at drinking water ect.. but everytime I've been pregnant I've tried harder to make sure I'm sipping on water constantly. Yesterday was a bad day with hydration and it showed because I only got up twice last night to pee.. not good. Usually I get up at least 4 times. When I had my miscarriage I remember one night not getting up at all to pee. I woke up in the morning having a bad feeling like something was going wrong..sure enough that afternoon I started bleeding. I know it sounds crazy but now, if I don't get up as much I freak out a little.

My morning sickness is at full force right now. Usually all day. 2 days ago it went away at 4pm and didn't come back until around 9pm. I felt like a million bucks while that morning sickness was gone, like a blanket had been lifted off of me.. i even weeded my garden. today it isn't too to bad.. it is there just enough for me to feel ucky but usually i'm just miserable. nothing i've tried is working.. so I might talk to my DR if it doesn't let up.

Everything is different craving wise with this pregnancy VS all my other ones. I honestly would think I was having a girl if I just go on morning sickness and cravings.. Usually I crave sweet stuff.. this time I want nothing to do with it which is great for my weight. we did try to shettles for a girl, we shall see if it actually worked.

My family is coming, my brother his wife and three kids and my parents. My husband is in the military so we live across country from all my and his family. The only people who know im pregnant is my mom, my husbands mom and one of my close friends. No, I didn't tell my dad because he and I don't get along. I haven't told my brother because Id like to tell him in person. my family is one of the most dysfunctional families out there. so i'm going to try to stay calm and keep the stress at bay. I haven't seen my brother since 2010. So im excited to see him. he and I were best friends growing up. My dad likes to cause problems by spreading drama and twisting words to gets people to get in arguments and of course he sits back and watches.. UGH and a week before everyone gets here my dad is back at it causing trouble.. of course my brother told me about this this AM. staying calm.. Not to mention the reason why my whole family is coming is to celebrate my sons 2nd birthday. So I will try to focus on my beloved little boy turning 2 instead of the stirring of the pot my dad does.

There are positives for being a military spouse and living across the country from family... no drama.
Negative; I miss my mom and my husbands mom.

I guess I will tell people I'm pregnant AFTER I get my 12 week ultrasound. Does anyone else keep their pregnancy a secret for a while before telling anyone?

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from CrystalB88 » Posted Jun. 17, 2015 10:06am
We've already started telling parents and my husband's siblings (I'm an only child otherwise we'd probably tell mine too lol). I've told my grandmother and aunts on my dad's side just because I'm so close to them and talk to them all the time. Other than that, I think we might wait to tell others until later. Maybe not as long as 12 weeks, but later... oh, and my husband told his boss and close coworkers just because he will be missing work for ultrasounds and other appointments....

Comment from MalPal85 » Posted Jun. 15, 2015 10:10pm
I told our parents and siblings right away and I think some of my family figured it in their own but I just had my 12w5d ultrasound today and now I'm ready to tell people. It is a personal choice though. Sorry about your dad's drama but I hope you enjoy your time with your family.

Comment from Kitten90 » Posted Jun. 15, 2015 1:17pm
I understand the fears but you really can't compare present pregnancy to past ones. My current pregnancy is absolutely nothing like any of my others. I've been spotting on and off, I rarely get up at night to pee regardless of how much water I drink, and absolutely no breast soreness. I've been paranoid this whole time and baby is perfectly fine. With my two miscarriages in 2013 I had very strong symptoms even after I miscarried and my levels went back to 0. My first successful pregnancy, as soon as I delivered her my symptoms were gone lol. This time around I only have a couple symptoms and nothing that is reassuring. So so frustrating.

As far as staying hydrated goes, I too have a hard time drinking water (but for me it's only when I'm pregnant) so I alternate between juice and water, and try to use stuff to flavor my water so it's not so plain.

Sorry about all the family drama. Been dealing with a lot of that here too =/ Last thing we need when pregnant right??

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