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Joined Jul. 1, 2015 6:36pm

Amanda_McDaniel's Pregnancy

My Due Date: March 1, 2016
I have given birth!
Age: 37 years old

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My Journal

Seven Months Pregnant
By Amanda_McDaniel » Posted Dec. 8, 2015 5:42pm - 231 views - 3 comments

And 70% complete. Wow, that's kind of a big deal. It's really becoming real, especially when I have an episode like last night. I had been feeling inexplicably nauseated before bed and then was kept up most of the night with diarrhea (sorry, TMI). Afterward, I had cramping unlike anything I've had in pregnancy thus far. I wasn't sure if it was, like, practice contractions from the strain and losing all my fluids or what but it made me realize that I could literally go into labor anytime my body decided to. Luckily, baby girl also has a good chance of surviving. Just makes it a little more pressing... Once Sebastian's birthday and Christmas are over, I'll get more active in preparing for Caroline's arrival, I'm just swamped right now. Besides, I'm feeling a bit grinchy and don't want that tainting my happiness. But I am thrilled to be on the last leg of my journey. I know I should already be mourning my 'breeding years' but I'm just excited to have my family complete and start building memories as a family of four. I started counting kicks today too. After dinner, snuggling on my side with my honey in front of the heater while drinking an iced tea (caffeine-free of course) she kicked ten times in less than five minutes. She's really active in the evening these days but I can almost constantly feel her now. I guess now I just hang out until I move to two appointments a month and she starts dropping. Not nearly as exciting as second trimester...

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from Amanda_McDaniel » Posted Dec. 9, 2015 6:32am
Yeah, fussy little ones are an amazing salve. I was 24 before I had Sebastian (my brothers were all young parents, except the one who struggled with fertility) and was considered a late life mom in my family. But I had nephews to babysit starting at 10 and they were awful sometimes! It was the best birth control.

Comment from pbc910 » Posted Dec. 8, 2015 7:57pm
I was thinking about that the other day...how I'm never going to be pregnant or have any more babies and while it made me sad, after my rough night of 2 fussy babies not sleeping, I realized I am not sad at all about it! I also am looking forward to building memories and watching these babies get bigger.

Comment from MalPal85 » Posted Dec. 8, 2015 7:30pm
Glad all is well with baby but sorry about the nausea/diarrhea episode. Hopefully things settle down for you so you can baby plan :).

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