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Joined Jul. 1, 2015 6:36pm

Amanda_McDaniel's Pregnancy

My Due Date: March 1, 2016
I have given birth!
Age: 37 years old

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My Journal

Caroline is Here!
By Amanda_McDaniel » Posted Feb. 29, 2016 3:39pm - 640 views - 4 comments

Caroline and I have been home since Saturday and, despite hobbling around and popping my medications like Tic Tacs, we are doing very well. The doctor and nurses at e hospital were actually surprised that I was up and moving around, getting gussied up for company, on Friday morning (it was a lot easier when receiving the good drugs thru my IV port rather than the oral liars). He honestly asked me if I was the mother and then wanted to verify that I had surgery the previous morning. *Chuckle* Not to brag (much) but I have a great tolerance for pain, even if I still try to avoid it. So they had no qualms about letting me go home. If I didn’t have Sebastian at home and wasn’t missing him desperately, I might have stayed a third night but I was ready to be in my own space. As for the cesarean, it was just as awful as I anticipated. Getting a spinal block is my new least favorite thing (though I was thankful for the numbing) and then the antacid they gave me beforehand in my IV backfired and I began vomiting. Let me tell you, throwing up with a numb stomach while unable to move, is a sensation I hope to never repeat. And they didn’t even slow down on slicing and dicing me. *Snort* As you know, they also hit some snags on the inside. The surgeon couldn’t do my tubal because of the amount of scarring from my first cesarean. Apparently, as is fairly common, my uterus healed to the other walls and membranes inside there and the scarred tissue was considerable (probably why Caroline couldn’t drop, though they did find her head-down once they went in) so he said it was probably a good thing that we’d already decided to stop having children. I can have more but it would be really uncomfortable and would have to end in yet more cesareans. But I’m glad DeWayne had already agreed to have a vasectomy because I don’t have to be concerned. Now I’m waiting for my slightly longer incision to heal so I can ditch the ugly but seriously helpful binder belt and get back to my life.
Coming home hasn’t been what we expected either. We must have miscommunicated somewhere because my in-laws actually left on Sunday instead of staying to help me so DeWayne is getting temporary disability to help take care of me this week. He gets 60% of his pay so we’ll suffer for it later but I can’t drive for two weeks, I can’t carry the baby upstairs for at least a week, I haven’t even been able to sleep in my bed because it’s so high and my booboo stretches uncomfortably getting in and out of it. So I kind of really need him… He’s been invaluable, though my house is a complete mess. He has been my Mr. Fetch-It and that’s amazing. Tomorrow is Care’s first checkup, she has her newborn pictures on Wednesday and then my staples come out on Thursday. I’m not rushing a single day though, even with the pain, I am having no problem appreciating every moment of baby girl’s tininess. Knowing she’s my last baby as well as missing Sebastian being this small, I am memorizing every detail and living in each moment.
We got lucky with another good baby. She’s a good eater and a great sleeper. My milk came in Saturday night so she’s doing both even more so. And the little noises she makes in her sleep… *Heart melts* I could stare at her and stroke her constantly. I’m not the only one. Both boys are pretty obsessed too. I knew Bash would adore her immediately but I was surprised at how quickly DeWayne was dutifully wrapped. It’s beyond precious. The dogs are the only ones I feel bad for. They aren’t used to most everyone telling them to go lay down constantly. They’ll be all right, it’s not forever, and they’re still among the most spoiled pooches alive so I can’t feel too badly. Hah! I’ll keep checking in but my beautiful babies are pretty much occupying my every thought right now.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from stephc2010 » Posted Mar. 1, 2016 12:08am
Such a precious picture! He's a proud big brother, for sure! I might try searching for you on Facebook (if that's okay!), I remember you posted a journal entry a few weeks ago about it and I would love to keep up with you and your family! I hope your recovery continues to go well. Enjoy both of your babies!! :)

Comment from Libelula264 » Posted Feb. 29, 2016 6:23pm
Wow, she looks a lot like her brother! So glad to hear you're recovering well and that hubby can spend the extra tme at home to help. Congrats again!

Comment from lala_0412 » Posted Feb. 29, 2016 4:35pm
Your family just melts my heart. I am glad you are healing well and I'm sorry your in laws did not get the right memo. I'm glad there was another option for you guys though. I am loving your updates and pictures of facebook. She looks just like a little baby doll. I love it!

Comment from Starmama14 » Posted Feb. 29, 2016 3:51pm
So glad to hear that your recovery is going well and it sounds like everyone is adjusting nicely too! I love the photo of your two kids...so sweet! I will probably be asking you tons of questions later on in my pregnancy (if that's ok with you!) about having a c-section the second time around. It is soooo early yet for me but I have a feeling my doctor is going to suggest a c-section again this time around too. I know you're pretty busy but keep us posted on how you and baby are doing :)

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