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Joined Jul. 1, 2015 6:36pm

Amanda_McDaniel's Pregnancy

My Due Date: March 1, 2016
I have given birth!
Age: 37 years old

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My Journal

Caroline is Two Weeks Old!
By Amanda_McDaniel » Posted Mar. 10, 2016 6:14pm - 365 views - 1 comment

Hi, my name is Amanda and I am addicted to tracking EVERYTHING. *Chuckle* Even though I have successfully raised one child thru babyhood and hardly need to be told when/how to care for a newborn, I downloaded an app to track feedings, diaper changes and sleeping . I just like to see any patterns, I guess. But little miss is officially two weeks old already. And her daddy is thirty-three today as well so it’s a day for celebrations all around. Caroline had her two-week checkup yesterday and she’s growing like a rockstar! She not only regained the weight she’d lost since birth but put on an additional four ounces (she’s up to 7lbs. 11oz) and gained a quarter of an inch in length (20.5”). She is an excellent and enthusiastic eater, is ahead of the curve where her strength is concerned (moving her head, pushing with her legs, etc.), and is a truly amazing baby. She sleeps from about midnight to three, feeds, and then sleeps from about four until I have to get up with Sebastian to get ready for school, then she loves to catch a nap with Mom. Hah! The only criticism the doctor gave was directed at me. I’m producing plenty of milk but Care may be wanting to constantly on the breast because I’m not eating enough high calorie foods and I’m definitely not eating often enough. I was excited to learn that I’m already down eighteen pounds but apparently I’m not making the kind of milk that ‘sticks to the ribs’ (that’s Southern for ‘filling’). It’s the first time in my entire life I was instructed to eat high-calorie foods like hamburgers and don’t let the tank get empty. I’ve been working on it so we’ll see if it’s about being full or her just nursing for comfort. We have been trying to convince her to use a pacifier instead of me but it’s hit-or-miss at best. *Shrug* Last week’s feeling of euphoria has endured, thank Heaven. I find myself laughing over the smallest things, which gets my poor deflated belly to bouncing and it makes me laugh even harder! DeWayne keeps teasing that he lowered the oxygen levels in the house. Ha ha! As for me, I’m healing very well. My pain levels are almost nonexistent, I’m feeling fit, and I even cleaned my house today. I love my in-laws and I appreciated the few days they kept Sebastian for me but they certainly aren’t housekeepers. My mother-in-law said she vacuumed but it was obvious to me that she didn’t. I have an albino lab that sheds like it’s his job and I couldn’t believe they wouldn’t at least get up the hair before their newborn granddaughter came home. I don’t consider myself a neat freak but I don’t like clutter or filth so I was more stressed than I needed to be while I was trying to heal. It does explain a bit about my husband though… She used to claim that he was her cleanly child and I was thinking I had spoiled him into laziness but perhaps her standards were just a lot lower… Then again, my parents are not as tidy as I am either so maybe I’m just a freak. But now I’m back in charge. Things will slowly settle back into a semblance of normality. But I uploaded another of Care Bear’s newborn photos. I love them so much, though I can’t share half of them on Facebook because they show her cute little butt and a-holes love to report everything.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from pbc910 » Posted Mar. 10, 2016 11:14pm
If I was told to eat more high calorie foods I would never stop! Good to hear how well things are going and that you are healing well. I was organizing my garage less than a week after my c-section and doing a bunch of other no no's. I hated just being still. Those newborn photos are the cutest and makes me wish i had some done of the twins.

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