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Joined Jan. 17, 2012 9:09am

Coomy08's Pregnancy

My Due Date: September 25, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 34 years old
Location: Indiana, United States

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The count down begins
By Coomy08 » Posted May. 14, 2012 5:57pm - 310 views - 2 comments

*Only 10 more days till my A/S, well since it's a morning appointment lets say 9 1/2 days left lol. Just so ready for it to get here so I can know my baby is alright and that I'm not going to have to go through the surgeries and NICU stay I had to with my son.It's only like a 3% chance for this one to have gastroschisis too, but it's still 3% more than I want to worry about. Also ready to know if this one is a boy or girl, my son is determined it's a baby sister but my husband is still dead set that it's another boy. Guess we'll just have to wait till the 24th to see who's right.

*See my o/b doc Thursday, have a feeling he's not going to be happy with me. Last week I had lost weight yet again putting me at 1/2 lb less than what I weighed when I got pregnant.He didn't seem thrilled at my 17 week appointment when all I had gained was 3 lbs, guess I'll just have to wait and see what I weigh in at at 21 weeks. I'm over weight according to the BMI index so maybe baby just is using my extra fat storage I've got built up.

*Need to ask about these braxton hicks I'm having, or at least that's what I think they are since I've never had them with my son. It happens a lot at work when I've been on my feet for a couple hours straight, my stomach feels like it's tightening up and it gets hard to breathe and sometimes it's accompanied by back pain. It usually lasts no more than a minute and I'm good to go, then there's other times it happens and it'll last a minute then as soon as it eases up it'll happen again a couple more times . I had a bad episode a couple weekends ago where for about 15-30 minutes I had intense lower back pain,bad RL pain,accompanied with the tightening of the stomach and hardness to breathe. Any suggestions to ease the uncomfortableness or frequency of these would be appreciated. At work it's hard for me to sit down unless it's to use the restroom, or I get lucky and we aren't that busy and I get time for a 1/2 hr break.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from knicole27 » Posted May. 14, 2012 6:07pm
if your having a lot of them.. I usually will get a lot more than 6 in a day when I am dehydrated so make sure your drinking a ton of water. So if your unable to rest at work.. I would also bring it up to your doctor, he maybe able to get you a note for you to rest and sit. Just because that lower back pain could be concerning. However my doctor also said it could also be a uti.. but she always wanted to know if i had the following asap: Pressure, pain in my back, pain the went from my back to my front and upper abdominal near the rib pain.

Comment from knicole27 » Posted May. 14, 2012 6:03pm
Oh I cant WAIT till you A/S feels like forever we have been waiting! I cant imagine how you are feeling!!!
About the braxton hicks. I have been getting them since week 19. Def do bring it up to your doctor though because my doctor wanted to make sure i was not getting any pain in my back. With my BH I do not. It feels like a tightening just in the front where my uterus is. Sometimes it balls up on one side or the other. It usually does start like a period like cramping.. nothing too crazy for about 10 seconds then leads into the tightening and hardening of my uterus but only in the front to i have the tightening and the cramping sensation. The best way to relieve braxton hicks are: rest and water! drink LOTS of water! if your laying down when u have one lay on your left side, or get up and walk sometimes walking works better than resting but if not lay on your left side. Also take a warm bath.

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