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Joined Jan. 17, 2012 9:09am

Coomy08's Pregnancy

My Due Date: September 25, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 34 years old
Location: Indiana, United States

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My Journal

Just can't win
By Coomy08 » Posted Jul. 6, 2012 12:53pm - 393 views - 1 comment

Just been a slump here lately with everything going on with my problems, my husband and i somehow got dragged into the middle of my in-laws marital problems, my husbands hay baling partner(his step-dad) trying to screw us over and selling hay/straw without letting my husband know about it and then not giving us our half of the profit(which he knows we need)then I'm trying to work as much as I can and still have time to work on my 2 summer classes, trying to get money saved back for my maternity leave, then trying to get everything ready for baby because I have a feeling he's going to come before September 25th. If it isn't one thing it's another and most days I break down and just cry and I don't like my husband to see because he feels bad enough as it is without seeing just how stressed I am right now.BH are still sticking around pretty hardcore,still getting lower back pain and pelvic pain. My doc gets back from vacation here soon so hopefully the 2weeks till my appointment will go fast and maybe he'll actually check me to make sure I'm not dilating or something. On a good note my husband found a job and hopefully will start next week, he just feels so bad about how hard I've had to work in the past few months to support us and I think he thinks it's his fault I'm having the bad BH and what not. At the rate I'm going who knows how long my doctors going to even let me work, with my son I was taken off work around 28-29weeks and I'm in week 28 now and see my doctor at week 30 so I guess I'll have to wait and see. Still a little confused of what the nurse at the hospital meant by pelvic rest, all she specified was no sex at least till I see my doc and when I asked about lifting all she said was if I had to lift something to lift properly with my legs. When I looked online to see what pelvic rest was it talked about no sex, no lifting, avoid strenuous exercise and cleaning, etc, but like I said the nurse just talked about no sex.
Not looking forward to work tonight I'll be in a hot kitchen all night, it's only 1:30pm and already 103*(not counting what the heat index says-108ish*) hopefully we won't be too busy and the a/c is on full blast(I hope [fingersx]. Think I'll eat some ice-cream or make a milkshake and try and work on some homework while my son takes his nap.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from knicole27 » Posted Jul. 6, 2012 2:03pm
aww hun hang in there. Like you I have this feeling that Liam will be arriving before his due date I am trying hard though to keep him baking in there. I had cramping like sensations today that ran down my left leg. That freaked me out but I have been in bed all day since and they went away and like you I have been to my drs many times .. started getting these stupid BH's at 19 weeks but have never been checked. Its annoying. I almost went to L&D today but instead while laying on my left side i fell asleep for almost 2 hrs and woke up and the cramping seems to be gone. So taking it easy. Pelvic rest is anything having the chance to irritate your uterus internal so, sex, douching anything inserted in the vagina basically your to stay away from. That is pelvic rest. Bed rest would be to avoid lifting which you should be anyways and the exercise and cleaning etc. Hope things get better for you!! thinking of ya!

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