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Joined Jan. 17, 2012 9:09am

Coomy08's Pregnancy

My Due Date: September 25, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 34 years old
Location: Indiana, United States

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My Journal

By Coomy08 » Posted Aug. 7, 2012 10:49pm - 380 views - 0 comments

Today was just not my day, woke up not feeling the greatest. My lower back is constantly hurting me, the braxton hicks are getting more frequent and intense,this kid being head down just is not helping with the pelvic pain, my legs and hips seem to be achy all the time now, the heartburn is so bad any more it makes me nauseous, I'm having menstrual like cramping, and I feel so tired that even getting out of bed seems like a chore. I tried to take a nap today before work thinking it would help me feel better and even got my son to lay down and take one,which he never does any more, and what do you know as soon as I get to sleep my MIL calls...I didn't answer and went back to sleep, so then she calls again a couple minutes later and leaves a message asking if I'm sleeping since I'm not answering the door, I think in an hours time she called like 4-5 times and left a couple text messages. I know that sounds horrible to just ignore her like that but when I don't feel good and I'm tired she is the last person I want to see, and it doesn't help she just shows up unannounced all the time and she's the type of person that if you tried to ask her to call before she comes over or ask her not to do something she'll get all pissy and you'll be on her shit list till she gets mad at someone else!
Honestly lately I'd rather just stay at home and not go anywhere or see anyone. I think part of my problem is I'm tired of being pregnant and miserable, and if I try to talk to my doc about the BH and the menstrual like cramping and stuff I just get told it's all normal and the BH getting more intense and frequent is because I'm pregnant, it's hot out, and need to drink more! I even tried to tell him I drink plenty and that the u/s tech told me she could tell I was a good drinker, but it didn't seem to matter. I guess when I go into labor before my c-section, I just have a feeling I will, maybe then they'll realize that they should have listened to me better and maybe checked to make sure the more intense and frequent BH(if not some real ones) weren't dilating me.

Makes me feel a lil better to get that off my chest.

33 weeks down 6 more to go till C-section!

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