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avereemorgan1119's Pregnancy

My Due Date: November 13, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 35 years old

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My Journal

21w6d: I finally got my appetite back... and now I eat everything in sight.
By avereemorgan1119 » Posted Jul. 10, 2012 2:46pm - 323 views - 1 comment

I've been waiting for it to happen for a while now. And it finally did. I got an appetite at last. I hit 21 weeks and now I can't stop eating food. Except for in the morning... I still get sick and vomit a few times a week but I think it's getting a little bit better. And it's not all day anymore, it's just when I first wake up thank god. I finally gained my first official pound. Took me long enough! I'm almost thankful though because hopefully I won't have a hard time taking off the baby weight! And I look suprisingly good. Sometimes I feel like a whale, but I don't look it. In a baggy shirt it's hard to tell I'm pregnant. But in a bathing suit or a tight shirt.... lol that's all I have to say. My bump sticks out and screams, "Look at me! There's something cute growing in here everyone touch me!" Which is only sometimes weird because the girls at work all gawk at my stomach and want to feel it. I don't mind the attention, but sometimes I feel embarassed I don't really know why.

So this week has brought on some new symptoms. Super, duper swollen feet... poor things look like balloons and hurt so bad I canbarely walk when I get home from work. A lot more abdominal heaviness (I feel like there's a brick strapped to my stomach sometimes!) and real awful back aches. My legs also cramp pretty bad by the end of the day. I've got the wonderful round ligament pain and Avery is pressing on my sciatic nerve so whenever I lay down wrong or sit for too long I can barely move it hurts so bad (but that's been going on for a few weeks now). Also have the wonderful braxton hicks now, luckily they don't hurt, but it is the weirdest feeling. My nausea is still there but slowly getting better and now my nipple have bgun leaking a little bit more... which really weireded me out at first. And that's about it.

And I was unfortunately in the hospital yesterday with the fear of being in extremely pre-term labor. So away we went to our hospital's birthing center and I was hooked up to the monitors and watched closely for a few hours. Although I was having real contractions, I was luckily NOT in labor and my cervix was still firm, high and closed (thank God). So other than that I just have to be real careful and go back if it gets wrse, which I don't think it will :) I have to cut back at work and stop lifting so much, which i don't mind too much because it was really starting to get to me.

And finally... I will be going for my anatomical scan on July 11! Although they already told me they are pretty sure it's a girl, it will be wonderful to go at almost six months and find out for sure! I have already started picking out furniture and adding things to my registry so I can't wait tp really announce to family and friends! Even if it is a boy, it doesn't matter and I will be just as thankful!

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from kaylia2oo5 » Posted Jul. 10, 2012 7:46pm
Yay! I wasn't able to sleep the night before we found out we were having a boy! I kept waking up over and over, wishing it was later haha!

Glad to hear that everything went fine at the hospital with the possible preterm labor. That'd be a super scary thing!!

Have you been moody lately? I find Jeremy comes home from work, and I'm ready to bite his head off for nothing, and within 10 minutes I'm a crying mess- it's driving me insane!!

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