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Joined May. 17, 2012 12:05am

Chazzy's Pregnancy

My Due Date: January 25, 2013
I am postpartum » My due date was more than 2 weeks ago
Age: 42 years old
Location: Perth, Australia

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My Journal

In the beginning
By Chazzy » Posted May. 28, 2012 2:20am - 307 views - 0 comments

Following are SOME of the notes I wrote. I wasn't going to symptom track this cycle, but when the symptoms started hitting hard a couple of days after ovulation I just KNEW I had to write them down.

CD 17 (day after DTD/BD): Nothing really. Not really looking for symptoms as I'm determined to just 'go with the flow' see what happens etc.

CD 18: Same as above but sore boobs.

CD19: GASSSSSYYYY! Oh lordy! A few twinges and I feel famished. Damn boobs, I want to cut them off.

CD20: Gassy. Hungry. Dizzy. Aching bbs.

CD21: So so gassy! It's embarrassing! I don't think I've ever been this gassy! Feeling constipated too, but crampy like I maybe need to go? I worry that I have what Alexis was sick with over the weekend. I'm hungry but everytime I eat i feel like I want to throw it up. Not nausea, more like heartburn. Sharp stabbing pains in chest (something new, I've never had this before. My hypochondriac self worries I'm having a heart attack LOL).

I spend a few hours at night trying to get to sleep with major stomach cramps. Like AF, but then not. I think about eating to make it better (there is fresh made cupcakes just begging to be eaten) but go to bed instead.

Walking hurts. Damn boobs.

CD22: Wake up and feel crampy almost instantly. Feel like my boobs have been beat with a sledge hammer. For funsies I POAS. I get a clear BFN with a light evap. I take a moment out to count back and calculate I can only be a max of 7dpo and laugh at myself for being so impatient and bad at math.

CD23: If I happen to walk past a chainsaw shop today, I'm going in. These boobs can get the eff off me. They are nothing but a pain in my chest. I had the sore bbs for about a week last time then a day's break before AF came, so maybe that's the norm and what's going to happen everytime now. I usually only got them a day before AF, so this is a truly sucky change in plan. Thanks hormones!Bit nauseous this morning. Had a coffee and then had a cracker. Wasn't feeling up to eating anything else, but now that my stomach has settled I might make some toast :)

Have been feeling sore and achy all over like I'm going to get the flu for a couple of days now. Hoping this goes away tomorrow because I have things to do.

Other than all this, just general cramps, pulling and twinges.

CD24: Felt like a had a baby kicking inside me. WTH is with that? Creeped me out. Major cramping like AF is here, but she's not. Breasts are still extremely painful. I'll be very peeved if it's all without reason. If I were to magically get a BFP this cycle, my bosom will be forgiven, but I highly doubt that's what's happening here.
Gassy and bloated.

CD25: At a guess i'm around 8DPO today I think. I truly have a feeling AF is coming early. I have some majore AF like cramps, i just want to curl up in a ball and sleep. Hoping hubby will be ok with me staying home while he visits his mother. I need to be by the toilet, i'm just not feeling well :( Bloated, gassy, diarrhea, nausea, heartburn and THESE DAMN BOOBS NEED TO JUST STOP!!! I've never had them be this painful, at least I don't think so.
Last night we went out to a bar in the city for a friends bon yoyage party. It hurt so bad everytime someone hugged me, just GRRRRR!!! Truly over the sore boobs. It's been a whole week of pain today as far as these things are concerned. Seriously seedy today. Not sure if it's a progesterone thing or ill effects from the two glasses of wine I had last night?

CD26: Well and truly over this all now. Cramps have ramped up, nausea has ramped up and it's that type of nausea that comes deep from your stomach, breasticles are still giving me grief and I just want to curl into a ball and surround myself with heat packs! Sore back, sore stomach, sore boobs...
The last couple of days, as well as nausea joining in on the triad, fatigue has set in.
Did a test....BFN. Duh! 9dpo?

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