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Category: Miscarriage & Loss

Asked by emly21

Q: Need a suggestion

Hello there! I need your suggestion. She suffering from PCOS disease. My friend does not conceive naturally. She wants to become a mother. She visited many clinics but they are not a good response. She totally confused. She fights the infertility disease. But this option, not the best with health. Kindly provides the information and guides the treatment there. The clinic in Europe in best for surrogacy treatment. They gave a good idea. Who is the best option for your health? Hope the clinic in Europe best for your treatment. Hope you will be soon a mother. Best of luck.

This question was asked Aug. 8, 2018 10:13am
Category: Miscarriage & Loss

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Answered by sarahbettler - Mar. 16, 2019 3:51pm
I want to use this means to let the world know that all hope is not lost Getting pregnant after having tubes clamped and burned, I know IVF and Reversal could help but it way too cost, i couldn't afford it either and i so desire to add another baby to my family been trying for 5 years, not until i came across Priest Babaka, who cast a pregnancy/Fertility spell for me and i got pregnant.l hope that women out there who are going through the same fears and worries l went through in GETTING PREGNANT , will find your contact as i drop it here on this site, and solution will come to them as they contact you. Thank you and God bless you to reach him email via: babaka.wolf@gmail.com or Facebook at priest.babaka

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Answered by saramccartney123 - Sep. 26, 2018 7:20pm
Hello, how are you doing? Sorry to hear about your friend. She seems like such a strong person. I know this because I have been there myself. It is not easy to deal with constant bad news like that. This legit gave me depression. People who accept their realities and do something about it really inspire me. I'm glad she is considering alternative methods in order to have a baby now. She will be a mother soon I'm sure. She could go to the place I went to. I had my son through surrogacy. But I don't think she will need that. She can even conceive through IVF. It works great with people who have PCOS. Good luck to her.

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Answered by joshien - Aug. 29, 2018 8:27pm
I hope things get better for her. how is she doing now? well, I'm really glad too. she finally thinking to move on. IVF will be good for her. well, let me tell you, the decision is all up to you then. IVF will make her have a baby from her own womb. but it may have some complications. it might take a few cycles. If your friend wants to experience the whole pregnancy then IVF. However, for IVF her uterus needs to be functioning. Her AMH and FSH levels both need to be at their appropriate level. whereas, in surrogacy, she will get a baby but from a surrogate mother. baby will be genetically hers. hope it was helpful. bets of luck. baby dust for her. take care.

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Answered by niya2019 - Aug. 28, 2018 6:51am
I'm really sorry for your friend's infertility. Having children is probably the best thing ever. A person should consider himself so lucky if he has one. I know you must be feeling very sad and depressed. You must be very strong. Your friend coping with such a situation. I'm surprised that you're even not getting any results from IVF. But the one thing I noticed here, is the hope you have. I'm really glad that you're not giving up. Yes, if nothing's happening then surrogacy can surely help you. It gives a chance of having children to those who can't. It's the best option for you. I hope everything gets in the right way for you. Take care of yourself. Much love.

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Answered by riya2019 - Aug. 28, 2018 6:29am
I am really sorry about your friend. I know it is very painful to face infertility. It is hard to choose other ways than pregnancy. I also faced infertility for so long. Then I decided to look for other options. Surrogacy was suggested by one of my friends. It was the only option remained left for me so I went for it. I went to a suggested clinic that was reliable. The clinic is in Ukraine. It is convenient for me to go there because it is not allowed in our country. It is well known for surrogacy so I made my mind. Now I am soon to be opting for surrogacy. I hope you get what you want.

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Answered by leslie22 - Aug. 27, 2018 4:03pm
Hey! I'm sad that your friend is experiencing this. It is safe to say that you are certain she can't consider by any means? There may even now be shots. I think getting the conclusions of various specialists would be best for her. There are numerous facilities out there now. There are various treatments accessible also. Perhaps she should investigate IVF, IUI or something of that sort before hopping to surrogacy. Along these lines, she'll have the opportunity to carry it herself. I truly do hope everything works out after her. Keep us updated on her trip. I would love to hear it. Good fortunes! Take care :)

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Answered by jennyjoe - Aug. 27, 2018 11:32am
Hi! I'm sorry that your friend is going through this. Are you sure she cannot conceive at all? There may still be chances. I think getting the opinions of different doctors would be best for her. There are many fertility clinics out there now. There are a number of treatments available as well. Maybe she should look into IVF, IUI or something of that sort before jumping to surrogacy. This way she'll have the chance to conceive herself. I really do hope everything works out for her. Keep us updated on her journey. I would love to hear it. Good luck! Take care :)

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Answered by satashajones - Aug. 27, 2018 9:24am
hey dear. congrats that they are off for on new journey. surrogacy will help them get there baby. it is a sure shot. there are many successful cases in this regard. ill pray for them. best of luck. stay strong.

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Answered by amandakalvoska - Aug. 26, 2018 6:35pm
Hello there. I guess you are facing same problem as i had faced. I am also infertile due to miscarriage. I just contacted to a fertility clinic. They asked me for Surrogacy and i did that. Now ,I am the mom of three babies through surrogacy.

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Answered by tenny99 - Aug. 25, 2018 10:23pm
PCOS is a very dangerous disease. Mostly it leads to infertility. Your friend should consult a good infertility center. They will suggest the best solution for her. Many women seek the help of alternate options. They become a mother instead of infertility. Ask your friend to stay positive.

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