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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by mrykayser

Q: Chinese Gender Predictor???

How accurate is the Chinese Gender prediction calender? It was right with my first son. So you think
it will be right again . I have read its right 3/4 times

This question was asked Mar. 23, 2012 10:23pm
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by a guest - Mar. 24, 2012 5:14pm
It said boy for me but found out earlier its a girl :)

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Answered by Marisa0125 - Mar. 24, 2012 1:21am
The lady who does my ultrasounds says its about 80% correct. Sounds about right to me. Mine says girl, but I ovulated on Dec 31st, so if the egg attached in December it could be a girl if it was January 1st it could be a boy......if anyone has a real 50/50 chance, its me:)

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Answered by babyh03 - Mar. 25, 2012 1:04pm
The websites I've looked at say conflicting genders!

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Answered by blondemama2acutie - Mar. 23, 2012 11:55pm
Surprisingly it was right for me both times! With my first son it predicted a boy and with my second one it predicted a boy, & so far the ultrasound confirmed it was another boy :)

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Answered by Coomy08 - Mar. 24, 2012 3:55pm
With my first pregnancy it said boy and it was right I had my son. This time it says girl and I have a feeling it's going to be right again. It was right with my sister for both her 2 kids, at first it was wrong but it turned out she read the chart wrong with her 2nd one.

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Answered by Steph35 - Mar. 23, 2012 11:14pm
It was correct for me:-) It predicted a girl and that's what I'm having!

I did intelligender test too and the test showed that I would be having a boy (so that was wrong) LOL

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Answered by mjjmbnmm - Mar. 24, 2012 5:05pm
It was right with my first 2, both girls. With this one I get mixed results depending on the site. This site said boy, but it's another girl. :)

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Answered by emilyolsen92 - Mar. 24, 2012 8:23pm
It didnt work for either of my pregnancies. With my daughter it said I was having a boy, with my son it said I was having a girl. Lol.

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Answered by BritsExpecting88 - Mar. 24, 2012 3:43pm
Mines was right the first time it said boy and i got a boy this time its saying girl so I hope and pray its a girl

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Answered by Stellar222 - Mar. 24, 2012 12:39am
Incorrect for me...said boy...she's a girl.

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