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Category: Baby Names

Asked by amy_toner

Q: Confliction of interest..

We are due to have a little girl in 15 weeks time and are stuck for a name.

Well I say stuck and actually mean we are fighting like cats and dogs over her name!

My partner likes one name and I like another, the problem is we both dislike each others chosen name.

Any time I come up with a new suggestion he turns his nose up at it or has never heard of it...lol

Is anyone else having this problem? Help!! lol

This question was asked May. 18, 2012 10:39am
Category: Baby Names

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Answered by Candy777 - May. 18, 2012 11:44am
*Regardless, and pls excuse many of the other spelling errors lol.. been a long day...

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Answered by Maybebaby - Sep. 2, 2012 5:49pm
Seeing as I have to do all the growing of mine nd my husbands first child, and our baby gets his last name, I get to pick the first name, and the middle name we choose together. We thought this to be fair and had no trouble deciding

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Answered by amy_toner - May. 18, 2012 12:05pm
We are the same Klara,

I am Scottish/Irish and my partner is Polish. The baby will carry his surname but he doesn't want a Polish first name. Urggh it's so unfair!! lol

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Answered by Candy777 - May. 18, 2012 11:43am
From the word get go, I told hubby he can name the baby if its a boy and me if its a girl, he chose Tristan for our baby boy but sadly ended in a still birth and baby grew wings @28 weeks. Now I am pregnant again, the girls name is sorted if it is a girl but same thing as you with the boys name, everything I like he doesnt we agreed on Damian but now I dont like it so much any more hmmm.... Its very difficult but I really like what tinkerbell26 said :) Hubby said I can choose the name regladless but then he needs to back off lol....

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Answered by mrsfitzy - May. 18, 2012 11:31am
Ha we took it in turns naming our children,or maybe one could choose middle name,i have a boy and 4 girls,my husband actually named are last daughter i was'nt keen atall but it did grow on me and suits her well.Don't know what were having this time round yet :)

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Answered by amy_toner - May. 18, 2012 11:43am
Thats the thing, we are trying to chose a name we both like but it's hard when i'm the only one thinking them up!

That's why I think I should get the last say if I need to put all the effort into thinking of names.

He just says yes or no to anything I think.

He seems to think I will chose better names than anything he would think of.

I wish I never thought of the name he likes because I have come to loathe it!!!

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Answered by tibby8 - May. 18, 2012 4:19pm
lol we are having the same exact problem only for a boy! my DH hates all my names im throwing out there; he either hasnt heard of it or says its a horrible name and doesnt go well with the last name. Hes just being picky but ive decided to try to use both our names one being the first and one the middle name. if that does not work make the list ideaa that was mentioned, it sounds llike a good idea

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Answered by a member - May. 18, 2012 11:34am
It's important to choose a name you both really like. Ok, you have to carry her for nine months, but he still has to look after her for the rest of her life. If he's not responding well to names you suggest, why not try asking him to pick some other choices, or go through a names book together? Hope you find a name you both love :)

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Answered by klara2222 - May. 18, 2012 11:47am
I'm with tinkerbell26 on this. DH and I have agreed that since the baby will have his last name (we have different last names), I get the final say on first name. I don't know for sure how we will decide on a middle name if there's a stalemate. Since our backgrounds are different (he's Irish/Scottish, I'm German), it's important to me to have a German first name :)

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Answered by mrsfitzy - May. 18, 2012 11:35am
My girls names are....Elle-marie,lilly-mae,lexi-lea,sydnie-grace and are boy is byron :)

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