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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by momtobe1992

Q: when did you find out the gender of the baby?

when did you ladies find out the gender of your baby. I've seen you-tube videos where women find out as early as 13 weeks. Just trying to be logical :)
I didn't know where to categorize this question so I put it under newly pregnant.

This question was asked Jun. 18, 2012 1:50pm
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by kcrittenden - Jun. 18, 2012 2:49pm
With my son I found out at 19 weeks. But with this one I will be finding out in 3 weeks at 16weeks via 3D ultrasound that I will be paying for. Always wanted a 3D ultrasound and some do it as soon as 14weeks. But I am waiting so all parts are there :)

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Answered by Queenmommy53 - Jun. 18, 2012 3:22pm
#1= 18w5d
#2= 16w
#3= 26w2d
#4= I don't know yet too early.

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Answered by MadisonN - Jun. 18, 2012 3:46pm
We found out at 20 weeks, at the anatomy scan.

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Answered by soontoB5 - Jun. 18, 2012 1:58pm
I found out with my 1st son at about 18 weeks
My 2nd son was stubborn and didnt see until 20 weeks
My daughter I was 25 weeks we tried several times but she kept her legs closed
My baby boy I was 18 weeks with him and he was proud of it too
This time I'm thinking about keeping it a surprise!

A warning though I know several girls who found out very early 13-16 weeks and they had everything bought and brought home the opposite sex! One girl was told until the day she had her son that he was a girl! I made sure what mine were when they did the 4D u/s I asked them to go down to the genitals, there is no mistaking them that way! lol

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Answered by thirdtimemamma - Jun. 18, 2012 2:00pm
i found out at 14 weeks and 5 days i was having a boy! I didnt go to my doctor though, where i live you can pay to go to the place and have it done! i plan on doing the same this time. i think the earliest they can do it is 13 weeks but they would rather you be 15 :)

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Answered by a member - Jun. 20, 2012 12:01pm
i went yesterday i was 12weeks 1 days, the drs couldnt tell by either u/s (regular or 3d) but my sister in law they told her it wads a girl up until 21 weeks then it was confirmed A BOY! so i would wait till 20 -22 weeks as sometimes the male parts dont drop as mentioned by someone above!! goood luck

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Answered by knicole27 - Jun. 18, 2012 1:52pm
My friend found out when she was almost 14 weeks that she was having a boy. It was confirmed at 20 weeks for her. At 16 weeks 5 days I found out I was having a boy and that was confirmed for me at 21 weeks at my gender/anatomy scan. :)

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Answered by JessicaWall11 - Jun. 18, 2012 3:54pm
Becareful if you get an early scan (like 13 weeks) because parts arent dropped all the way. We thought up until my 20 wk scan that we were having a boy due to our 13 weeks scan. Nope, my daughter is going to have a little sister. Its been confirmed by two other scans (complications with me) and a third this week.

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Answered by jenniferose88 - Jun. 18, 2012 4:05pm
My doctor made me wait til I was 18 weeks because she said if you do it any earlier than 17 weeks there's a high potential they wouldn't be able to tell, or it wouldn't be accurate.

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Answered by Candy777 - Jun. 19, 2012 7:15am
I found out we having a boy at 15weeks and was confirmed at 17 :)

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