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Category: Labour & Delivery

Asked by tennis_ash

Q: Parents who have kept the baby gender has a suprise ??

i want to know how many couples decided to keep their baby gender as a suprise until delivery.. :) :) :)

This question was asked Aug. 22, 2012 5:31am
Category: Labour & Delivery

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Answered by country_chick_nic - Mar. 6, 2013 7:24pm
We decided to not find out the gender of our baby, firstly because we wanted to have a little more excitement and keep everyone on their toes, secondly because we wanted to get all gender neutral stuff for the baby so we can reuse for baby #2, and thirdly because as long as it comes out healthy, it doesn't really matter what the gender is :) It has been such a fun pregnancy and people are constantly looking at my belly or looking at the ultrasound pics and changing their minds on what they think the gender is... :)

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Answered by tennis_ash - Aug. 25, 2012 7:49am
I'm from India n v follow strict culture rules out here. v don't buy any clothes or any stuffs for the baby unless and until baby is born..v believe its not good for the baby to get the things already..n v dont ve this neutral colour thing...v dont follow any of these colours. wat ever colour v like v buy for the baby after the delivery. naming the baby!!! there is plenty of time after the delivery.. so knowing the gender is not so important for us..indeed special and surprise is different..every baby is special n unique...to know gender or not is a personal choice. i personally believe in not knowing the gender. It gives me a extra thrill and kick in not knowing the gender n one more thing v don't ve baby shower. since v don't like to get gifts before baby is born n it considered as a bad omen. instead v ve a small function in tat my parents will come take me to their home. i stay there until delivery. :) :) Totally different culture i must say....

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Answered by firebrand4Him - Aug. 24, 2012 5:12pm
My hubby & I found out the previous couple times & this time we are going to find out as well. We've found that for us it doesn't take away from the moment & it doesn't make it less special. Rather, it helps to be more prepared instead of just buying all of baby's clothes in a neutral colour. It also makes it easier when we get good deals on clothing during the pregnancy & makes our decision whether to get it or not easier. We choose our baby's name before they were born, but my hubby & I deliberately kept the names to ourselves & didn't tell anyone until after baby was born, then we announced the baby's arrival, name, weight etc... For us even though we knew the baby's gender on the day, the moment of baby's arrival, hearing baby's 1st cry, meeting baby & getting to know & taking care of baby was just as special, filled with so many special moments & memories & lots to give God thanks for. The only difference was that we knew baby's gende

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Answered by firebrand4Him - Aug. 24, 2012 5:08pm
My hubby & I found out the previous couple times & this time we are going to find out as well. We've found that for us it doesn't take away from the moment & it doesn't make it less special. Rather, it helps to be more prepared instead of just buying all of baby's clothes in a neutral colour. It also makes it easier when we get good deals on clothing during the pregnancy & makes our decision whether to get it or not easier. We choose our baby's name before they were born, but my hubby & I deliberately kept the names to ourselves & didn't tell anyone until after baby was born, then we announced the baby's arrival, name, weight etc... For us even though we knew the baby's gender on the day, the moment of baby's arrival, hearing baby's 1st cry, meeting baby & getting to know & taking care of baby was just as special, filled with so many special moments & memories & lots to give God thanks for. The only difference was that we knew baby's gende

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Answered by Hoping4aHealthy9 - Aug. 22, 2012 5:56pm
I just had an ultra sound this morning and we could have found out, but we didn't. There really are no surprises in life and I really want to keep this one. Although I'm dying to find out, I really can't wait till delivery and the doctor says "It's a......!"

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Answered by looney - Aug. 22, 2012 5:21pm
The only thing that I don't like about having a surprise baby, is saying "it's a surprise baby" and people think I mean an unplanned baby. LOL I always have to watch how I word it.

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Answered by katie93katie - Aug. 22, 2012 4:06pm
With my first I didn't find out but it drove me crazy not knowing ans not being able to buy pink or blue, this time I am gonna find out :)

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Answered by nwelch - Aug. 22, 2012 3:19pm
Surprise for us again this time around. We didn't find out with our first and I didn't want to know this time either. I can't even describe the feeling when the doctor told us it was a boy. Was the best day of my life. It's also fun to tell people after when he was born. A friend of mine just had a baby, and they knew they were having a boy and told everyone the name. No fun and that's one of the reason's we don't want to know. There are few suprises now a days and it's like knowing what your getting for Christmas it's not as fun if you know what you are getting. I wasn't prepared for the first one and did just fine with the items I had so will just deal with it again. The trouble I'm having is my husband really wants another boy and I want a girl. If we knew already I think it would be harder for him to deal with it. The day it's born, it won't matter if it's a girl or boy because it will be a magical day. I'm so excited can't stand it. Good luck to everyone and Congrats. :)

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Answered by DanielleS - Aug. 22, 2012 2:27pm
We are too! We are also having no problems doing it! I can't wait until that moment where they annouce after all this hard work, what beautiful creature we have made! It will be such an emotional moment and my husband and I can't wait to share it together!! I have decided to only buy what I need for the time being. I'm not buying any bedding or painting. I have a daughter already, so we have the crib etc. I'm going to set up the baby room and pick out boy stuff I want and girl stuff I want. When the baby comes I will buy it! I know from expirience that you don't need much right away anyways. I'm going to have enough cloths for a week or so, but really sleepers and onsies is all they wear right away anyways.

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Answered by Kfinzue - Aug. 22, 2012 2:25pm
This is my first and we are not finding out the gender. It's actually really easy because for us we had it in our minds from day one that we were going to wait.
Other people really want to know what our baby is, but they'll find out soon enough (:
The one and only thing I don't like is seeing cute gender specific things, and not getting them.

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