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Category: Labour & Delivery

Asked by amoore2012

Q: Home birth or hospital?

I'm leaning toward a water birth at home but I'm also nervous about not being in a hospital. I'm 4 weeks now, but I need to decide so I can make my first prenatal app with an OB/GYN or a Midwifery service. Hospitals make me uncomfortable and I would like the comfort of my own home(and being able to move around when I'm having contractions) but I also know I wouldn'thave a dr. there. What did you do? And how did you like it?
Also: I don't want an epidural.

This question was asked Aug. 30, 2012 5:26am
Category: Labour & Delivery

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Answered by Dylsmommy - Aug. 30, 2012 1:40pm
I haven't done a home birth nor do I want to. It is a personal preference and I think to each its own. I had a wonderful experience in the hospital where I delievered my first and being a first time mother it was really comforting to have the support of all of the nursing staff. I am sorry so many people have had rough experiences in hospitals at such an important time. With that being said here is my advice....as long as you are not high risk you should do whatever will make you comfortable. That will go a long way for you and your baby during that time. Honestly labor is a very difficult trying time and with the stress that you will already have you don't want to add to it by being somewhere you don't really want to be. So as long as your prenatal care goes well and you have the green light from medical staff (midwife/OB) go for what you want!! Good luck! :)

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Answered by looney - Aug. 30, 2012 6:22am
I had a horrible hospital birth, that sadly, cannot be erased from my memory. So, this time i'm having a home birth with a midwife.

She is licensed, brings oxygen incase resuscitation is needed, has lots of medicines, including injections to stop hemorrhaging and she can also repair any tears (should they happen, which is unlikely with non-medicated homebirth).

I will get to stay in the comfort of my home, with my sheets, my bed, my birth pool, my couch, my food, my tv, my family... my carpet... my safe place. I won't be in a hospital being treated like someone's lil bitch, and bossed around, and made to feel like a victim.

I am also 28 weeks, and I didn't hire my midwife until just last week. I've had regular OB care up until now, and will continue to have OB care, as well as midwife care, until I deliver with just my midwife. You dont have to start with your midwife now, you can late transfer.

But homebirths, for low risk pregnancies, with a midwife, are very safe.

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Answered by JessicaWall11 - Aug. 31, 2012 2:42am
I had my first in a hospital. Loved the experience, the staff was wonderful. I did end up bleeding out alot after my daughter was born. That was when we found out I was anemic. I dont blame hospitals for excessive bleeding, I blame drs who just dont really give a damn. I am 36 wks and will be having my baby at the same hospital, where the staff is already awaiting me. (they remember me from last year lol) So my opinion (whether some like it or not) to each is there own, and dont let everyone elses horror story make the decision for you. I wanted to do a water birth this time around, but after explaining my delivery complications with my new OB, we both decided that it would be a safer bet if we didnt do a water. Next time maybe. (5yrs + from now)

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Answered by a member - Aug. 30, 2012 7:02am
I have had both mine in a hospital, the first was in a low risk hospital and it was wonderful, the birthing suites were set up like a bedroom at home and the whole time it was just me and my hubby and the midwife would knock and poke her head in every few hours or so and obviously I could press the buzzer if i needed her. I made it clear in the months up to the birth that I did not want to be offered any pain relief as I knew what was there and would ask if needed. I did end up asking for and using some gas but didnt need anything else and nothing was offered just as i asked, I did however lose too much blood afterward which is why my second had to be born in a high risk hospital. that birth was not as nice as it felt very "medical" if that makes sense lol however I was very greatful to be there when i bled ALOT after the birth so much so that they used every method possible to stop my bleeding other than emergancy surgery. Im now going to the same hospital this time :)

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Answered by monroezelda - Aug. 30, 2012 6:58pm
for me personally I am glad I was at a hospital, or my baby would of died, he was being strangled by the cord and they got him out within 20 minutes via emergency c section, if I was at home the nearest hospital is 45 minutes away, we wouldn't of made it, so that's my horror story, everyone is different, you cant predict what's going to happen, plenty of people have amazing home births with no complications at all, Im sure you will be fine good luck in whatever you decide.

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Answered by a member - Aug. 30, 2012 7:02pm
it's funny when people bring up their stories of all the complications they had while in hospitals (and thank god they were in hospitals, right?) but it makes me wonder if they ever stopped and thought that maybe the reason they had the complications was because they were at a hospital? and hemorraging is not that common, and it's also associated with medicalized hospital births.

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Answered by dawgs727 - Aug. 31, 2012 11:55am
Some hospitals allow you to labor in water but once you push you are out of water for safety reasons. Check with your hospital... I had a friend that did that twice with natural childbirth and she loved it. This was in St Louis, MO. Just a suggestion of meeting in the middle. Me personally I will be delivering in the hospital again with my epidural. I loved my hospital experience. The nurses and my doctor was amazing and it was so nice to have staff and a cook for you 24/7. I struggled with breast feeding especially and was able to see the lactation specialist from my bed several times a day to give me a hand! Plus I had really high blood pressure post birth ( have no idea why, by was normal throughout pregnancy) and they had to watch me closely.

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Answered by Mrs.Mom - Aug. 30, 2012 7:59pm
I don't think these "horror" stories are "silly". Fact is, if you have a low risk pregnancy you are likely going to have a safe and successful home birth. BUT...no one can predict what will happen the day they have their baby and IF something should happen where a higher level of medical intervention is needed than what you have, that would be very scary. Weight the pros and cons (as I'm sure you are) and make the decision best for you, but these stories of what can possibly go wrong are not silly....they are warnings.

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Answered by danni179 - Aug. 30, 2012 2:14pm
I wanted a water birth, a natural delivery and no epidural......

I ended up having to be induced, hooked upto a drip, gas and air, diamorphine and after 18 hours labour I he got stuck and i only reached 4 cm and had to have an emergency c-section.

I really would vote hospital rather than home birth as you really can not predict how things will pan out.

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Answered by MissLucy - Aug. 30, 2012 8:13pm
Watch the documentary "The Business of Being Born." I was already going with midwives before I watched this, but it totally affirmed that for me. I am kind of compromising, as I am planning to give birth at a birthing center run by midwives. They have ambulances on call so they can send you to the hospital if something were to go wrong. I have had a few people tell me I am "brave" for wanting to do a natural waterbirth. I think that it is the opposite! I am horrified of the thought of being pinned down on my back at a doctor's mercy! I want to let my body do what it is designed to do!

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