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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by laurieann26

Q: Just for fun Guess my sex Boy or Girl??? =)

Hiya all,
Just a little bit of fun to guess our babys gender??? we had our scan last weeks at 12weeks & the lady told us she could see the sex already. I did a little resarch & apparently you can tell by the nub is this true?? if so please have a guess x

This question was asked Oct. 21, 2012 11:23am
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by kermitpants - Oct. 21, 2012 1:36pm
I can't see the photo either. Also, you're profile say that you are 0 weeks and 1 day pregnant... ;-)

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Answered by Brittany0915 - Oct. 21, 2012 12:03pm
where is the photo at ? i cant see it on your profile

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Answered by laurieann26 - Oct. 21, 2012 2:32pm
I am very sorry for some reason somthing went wrong, please tell me if you can see my picture and profile now.
Thanks very much.

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Answered by laurieann26 - Oct. 21, 2012 2:59pm
I have now uploaded the photo x

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Answered by laurieann26 - Oct. 22, 2012 5:41pm
I've never herd of the turtle head I'l have to look it up. I've always thought boy & felt like I may have a boy but seeing the nub flat made me question?? We are still unsure if we want to find out & leave it as a suprise...? part of me would like to find out so we can buy clothes & blankets from Spain befor we move back home, cause they are beautiful! but part of me thinks suprise???? Id be very very very happy with either!

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Answered by jkarleen - Oct. 22, 2012 1:07am
I guess I'm alone in thinking girl :) but it looks awfully similar to mine! Our baby girl is due Feb 14th!!! We are very excited. Congrats to you and can't wait to find out the gender for sure!! You can get an elective scan at 16 weeks and find out....

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Answered by laurieann26 - Oct. 21, 2012 3:28pm
BOY wow, I have had a few people say its a girk & not herd boy yet so that as thrown me a little x

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Answered by laurieann26 - Oct. 21, 2012 8:30pm
Ahhhh congratulations on your little girl, when do you meet her?? how exciting!!
I thought girl then a few people say boy...??? confusing x x x

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Answered by jkarleen - Oct. 21, 2012 8:00pm
I think girl! The nub is in line with the spine. Looks exactly like our ultrasound from 12 weeks 4 days. We are having a girl as it was confirmed at our anatomy scan at 19 weeks.

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Answered by mandylee13 - Oct. 22, 2012 12:03am
Hi Im sorry but that is not a clear nub picture to go off, im guessing the ultrasound tech got a much better view through the scan as to the angle of the nub but yes im really having troubles seeing it cleary in that pic. My nub predictions were right for my little girl but I had a very clear nub shot photo.. Try having a look on the in-gender website it is fabulous for nub shot gender prediction :)

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