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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by FirstTimeMommyx0

Q: When did you find out baby's gender?

How many weeks were you when you found out your baby's gender?

This question was asked Mar. 3, 2013 4:37am
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by kCharleneS - Mar. 3, 2013 5:47pm
With my first, after 20 weeks. With my second the doctor guessed at 14 weeks 5 days that it was a girl. Went back at 19 weeks 5 days, and she wouldn't cooperate but he was able to get a glimpse and said he still believes she's a girl. We hopefully find out for sure when I go in at 23 weeks 5 days (I'm now 21 weeks).

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Answered by lucyblue - Mar. 3, 2013 5:27pm
It's not only about when the gender can be identified, but also about if baby wants to cooperate and show you! I am 24 weeks and still don't know the gender because baby hasn't been cooperating at ultrasounds :(.. another one in 3 days though so hopefully we find out then!

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Answered by ElaLoub - Mar. 3, 2013 4:44pm
At 17 weeks we clearly saw he's a boy!!! Was confirmed at 3 ultra sounds thereafter!

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Answered by iheartmygirlies - Mar. 3, 2013 3:20pm
with my first and second i found out at 20 weeks. with my second i tried to find out early. like at 13-14 weeks but they told me she was a boy. thank god i didnt go boy clothes crazy cuz 6 weeks later i was told she was a girl. and with my third i will find out when baby is born in june :)

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Answered by breezy612 - Mar. 3, 2013 3:08pm
I found out at 16 weeks at a private center and then again at my 20 week scan with my doctor. Both said boy :)

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Answered by Kimmiecat - Mar. 3, 2013 1:43pm
They peeked at my 12 week scan and guessed girl. I had a scan at 14 weeks because of bleeding and they were 90% sure girl. I have my anatomy scan in 2 weeks (18 weeks) to be for sure.

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Answered by n-larock - Mar. 3, 2013 12:24pm
20 weeks. He was definetly a boy :P

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Answered by GemGem - Mar. 3, 2013 10:47am
I got my self a Private scan (UK) at 18 weeks 4 days and had them show us the gender :)

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Answered by Emma78 - Mar. 3, 2013 6:19am
20 week ultrasound

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Answered by Libelula264 - Mar. 3, 2013 5:20am
I had my first gender ultrasound at 15 weeks (at an elective clinic - they don't do the gender ultrasound until 18-22 weeks at the OB office) and they said BOY. Went back at 18.5 weeks because I was afraid I had gone too early -- still BOY! Definitely still boy after my last ultrasound at 21 weeks.

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