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Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

Asked by Nicolelynn1733

Q: Advice please :/

my fiancee and i broke up last night weve been together for over a year. we broke up bc i want him to come to this thing with me at my school since im singing our song but he didnt know that. well we had gotten into a huge fight. i dumped him i guess being pregnant made my hormones go super crazy and now hes ignoring me. i want him to be here for me and the baby i just dont know if i should let him go or fight for him, its not the first time hes done this and i want the best for my child and i. and advice?

This question was asked Mar. 14, 2013 8:01pm
Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

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Answered by nikkiblueeyes - Mar. 14, 2013 10:37pm
I answered your 1st question on here a couple of weeks ago. I think what happened last time is probably still playing on your mind and maybe your resenting him for it subconsciously and with your hormones its made it worse. Hope you work it out again hun xxx

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Answered by Nicolelynn1733 - Mar. 14, 2013 10:42pm
yeah it is. well atleast i think so. im trying to get everything better but once again he wants to act like a child and ignore me and im at a complete loss on what to do. so im just going to sit here and wait i guess :/

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Answered by kCharleneS - Mar. 16, 2013 8:36pm
To the anonymous user who's bashing and down talking to this girl, just remember she's 17. She's gonna have a hard time. Just because she's upset over this and whatnot and acting her age doesn't mean that she will be a bad mother. I was just like her when I got pregnant at 17, and guess what, it's been 4 years and my son is doing great. You seem to forget that WE ALL get this way during pregnancy, that doesn't make us horrible mothers.
OP, good luck. As I said, I was 17 when I got pregnant and had my son too. But I didn't have a support system. You're very lucky to have your fiance and all your family to help you. We're always here too. You can always inbox me. :-)

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Answered by bdawn8403 - Apr. 1, 2013 5:15pm
Seriously? Wow. If you are going to 'break up' over that you probably aren't old enough or mature enough to be having a baby or getting married.

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Answered by maggie22 - Mar. 14, 2013 8:18pm
breaking up over him not wanting to go somewhere seems like a pretty petty reason. Is that al he did?

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Answered by a member - Mar. 14, 2013 8:44pm
If in other respects he's a good guy then it would be foolish to end the relationship. If I were you, I'd apologise lots to him, make it clear that you are committed to making the relationship work and that you won't break up with him over something so trivial again. No couple agrees on everything and it's important to be prepared to compromise A LOT. With the greatest respect, you guys haven't been together that long and there will be many bumps along the way. If you want it to work, you have to forgive and forget. Hope things get sorted quickly, good luck!

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Answered by nikkiblueeyes - Mar. 15, 2013 12:13am
Please dont take offence but like i said last time hes immature hun and you need to put your foot down he needs to grow up hes going to be a father!

On the other hand, you are both young and he will be scared aswell so he will find this all alot to handle at once alot has happened in such a small amount of time! I know you probably are too but men n women are very different haha! Hope your ok...im only ever an inbox away xxx

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Answered by Nicolelynn1733 - Mar. 17, 2013 11:25pm
thank you guys alot who stood up for me, im sorry its taken so long for me to respond i was at a family members house. but it really does mean alot to know that you all stood up for me against who ever that person was. which was very ignorant. i made a mistake i am pregnant i am alittle immature i am 17. but what can i do? i cant go and change the past no one can. thats why we LEARN from our mistakes and turn them in to lessons and blessings. im human im not perfect. god did not make any of us perfect. but thats why were unique, i may be pregnant at 17 but i WILL BE a damn good mother.

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Answered by Rockabump - Mar. 16, 2013 6:00am
Miss anonymous.....funny that you can't show your name but can be rude to someone asking for help. I'm SURE with the way you responded that you have made some harsh decisions in your life that you later questioned yourself about. Since you don't know everything that has led up to this point.....maybe you should BE NICE AND UNDERSTANDING! And who are you to say that someone is not mature enough to have a baby!!!??? Look in the mirror on that one!
@Nicolelynn1733, please don't get offended by ignorant people. Everyone learns from their mistakes. Maybe with the past history of some issues, it would be a good thing to take a little time for yourself. If you all really love each other..... It'll work out. Good luck Hun! And since I am not anonymous, feel free to write me if you want to talk and not be bashed by a ridiculously rude person!

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Answered by Nicolelynn1733 - Mar. 14, 2013 8:19pm
well we had made plans a month in advice. and about two months ago he was very adamant about not breaking plans with his friends, but it seemed like it just didnt matter when it came to me. it was more hes way or no way.

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