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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by taragaby

Q: Any tips other than Ginger for morning sickness pls?

I am 7 weeks and been feeling terrible nausea these last 3 days - do u ladies have any tips u could share pls?
I am already wearing the travel bands and eating crystalized ginger on occasion.
Thank u!

This question was asked May. 10, 2013 7:37am
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by taragaby - May. 13, 2013 2:57pm
Ice cream wouldn't go amiss.. :) Thks for the tips

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Answered by taragaby - May. 10, 2013 2:52pm
Carenda, I will certainly try the lemon..

And thank you everybody else for sharing ur tips :) reminds me that I am not alone :)

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Answered by taragaby - May. 13, 2013 2:57pm
Ice cream wouldn't go amiss.. :) Thks for the tips

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Answered by taragaby - May. 10, 2013 2:50pm
katie :))) I really like ur positive attitude - u r right - as it is the brain that signals the nausea and vomiting - and that is why anti-emetics such as Zorfan work - as they block those barin signals - I am really trying that +ve thinking approach..thks!

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Answered by bauer87 - May. 10, 2013 1:07pm
have you tried preggie pops?they sell them at toys r us and motherhood. Also eat frequently- lots of carbs always helped me. I pretty much live on crackers and grilled cheese the first trimester.

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Answered by taragaby - May. 13, 2013 2:57pm
Ice cream wouldn't go amiss.. :) Thks for the tips

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Answered by Carenda1219 - May. 10, 2013 12:23pm
lemon (fresh) with ice cold water. It is supposed to help, but it didnt work for me, but everyone is different. Also eating crackers.

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Answered by iva222 - May. 13, 2013 2:52pm
I'm 8+3 and have nausea since week 5. Nothing really works for me, I just try to eat small meals more often.
Oh, and when it's really bad ice-cream helps! :D

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Answered by bauer87 - May. 10, 2013 1:07pm
have you tried preggie pops?they sell them at toys r us and motherhood. Also eat frequently- lots of carbs always helped me. I pretty much live on crackers and grilled cheese the first trimester.

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Answered by PinknGreenMama - May. 10, 2013 5:31pm
Try sparkling water to cut down on all the sugar of ginger ale. I was gaining weight and feeling sluggish eating pizza (for the dough) and drinking ginger ale so much. Also, lemonade (fresh is better, again because of the sugar) and saltines. Don't go too long between meals, don't eat too much at one time. I developed a sensitivity to dairy and then to tomato sauce after the first trimester, so pizza was out for the second, but now I can eat it again. Just pay attention to what aggravates the nausea (the most) and try to avoid. Good luck!

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