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Category: Labour & Delivery

Asked by Mom2be87

Q: Should I have an epidural

Now that my due date is getting closer, I'm getting nervous whether I should take an epidural or not.. Could u guys tell me ur experiences.. With or without epidural.. Thank u

This question was asked May. 27, 2013 8:15pm
Category: Labour & Delivery

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Answered by redrouge - May. 28, 2013 2:29pm
as i say to people when they asked me are you goin to get one.i would nt get a tooth pulled with out numbing.dont go through pain for no reason as you dont get any medals for goin without..keep an open mind..

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Answered by Cemagges4 - May. 27, 2013 11:48pm
I think having an open mind is really important as you never know how things will go. With my first I was determined not to get one and I didn't, the pain was unbelievable but I was able to get up around right away. Once I got to the point of no return I wished I'd gotten one but it was too late. With my second I again planned to not have one, everything was going great and it wasnt as bad as my first but then at the end I got stuck at 9cm for 2 hours and I was begging for one and I got one, it took the edge off but def didnt make me not feel it, I don't think I had it in long enough- maybe 20 min before she was born. Anyway, you will make the right decision for you and no one can really tell you what to do. Have a plan in mind but be open to change bc you never know how it will go. Good luck to you!!

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Answered by GemGem - May. 27, 2013 8:19pm
I had an epidural with my first which then gave me a painless labour/birth this time im planing a water birth so without an epidural but keeping an open mind if the pain becomes unbearable. I think alot of it depends on your pain threshold... You could hve a barely painless labour. Id say keep an open mind :)

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Answered by Sherry52210 - May. 28, 2013 7:11am
I have had two kids already and got epidural both times around 6 to 7 cm. I will do it again this time as well. I was able to really pay attention to what was going on. I got to enjoy seeing my baby born and hold them. It was also less stress for everyone in the room once I was not in pain and the daddy was able to relax and enjoy the time together instead of being in pain and me wanting to murder him for even breathing next to me.

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Answered by kelliers - May. 28, 2013 12:35am
Do what you feel is best for you. I have to wonder, though...epidurals are fairly new. Befor them, women relied on breathing and relaxation techniques and walked around/moved positions and they seemed to be fine. I suggest taking a class so you have the tools to try without it and then if you end up needing it you can always ask for it.

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Answered by JessicaWall11 - May. 28, 2013 1:19pm
I have a really high pain tolerance. I keep reading stories where you can't feel when to push. At my hospital they give you a lower dose so you can still feel when to push. I didn't get it until 8 cm with my first because I didn't feel anything until then and stalled so was still able to get it. With my second I got it at 6 cm before I could get the chance to feel anything big. Well after having it 3 hrs the damn thing slipped from its spot and still was in my back. The next four hrs were hell. They were able to get me a new epidural started. Two hours later baby two was born. I will never opt for having no epidural. But every woman is different, so to each their own. Good luck whatever your choice will be.

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Answered by Mom2be87 - May. 28, 2013 5:50am
Thank u so much for ur answers!! I will see how it goes and as most of u said ill keep an open mind and first see how I cope with the first few cms

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Answered by maggie22 - May. 28, 2013 9:39am
I had my first baby this January. I did not have an epidural. Reason I did not have an epidural was because my mother had one and it did not work. Also when you have an epidural you have to have an IV cannula, a catheter to drain your urine and you have to lay in bed the whole time and you cannot feel when to push. Not to mention a giant needle goes into your spine!!
I gave birth to my baby in the birthing pool using the gas, the gas and the water was enough to dull the pain. I honestly had a wonderful experience and I look forward to doing it again the same way. You can always try to go without one and if it is too much it is always there as an option, but just remember studies have shown that one intervention leads to more interventions (eg, vacuum or caesarean delivery)

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Answered by KenpoMommy - May. 27, 2013 11:59pm
I say keep an open mind about it. With my first, I tried to do it all natural. I ended up having a very long labor(30 hours) and by the time I broke down and asked for it, I was so exhausted that I had a hard time pushing effectively and then that took forever too (3 1/2 hours). With the second, I got it as soon as I was dialted enough, most drs want you to be at least 4 cm, and then I was able to sleep the rest of the time and rest up for the pushing. I ended up not pushing as long because I wasn't delirious with exhaustion and it was a much more fulfilling experience for me. I was better able to really enjoy holding my baby for the first time because I wasn't in horrible pain. This time I think my plan is to go as long as I can without, but I'm definitely asking for it before I get to the point of crippling exhaustion! If you let yourself get that tired, especially during a long labor, it just makes everything so much harder! Good luck!

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Answered by Maybebaby - May. 27, 2013 11:50pm
I had all natural, it was very painful but I felt so good afterwards, I didn't tear or nothing. I felt very proud of myself for doing it. My baby was small though so I think u shld just keep an open mind and see how u go

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