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Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

Asked by Mrs.Mom

Q: 20 weeks...still haven't felt baby.

Hi Ladies - I am not overly worried, but kinda starting to wonder when I'm going to start feeling this baby move. I felt something once last night (I think). But have felt nothing otherwise and I'm 20wks1d. My ultrasound showed a strong heartbeat and I saw the baby move slightly but haven't felt a thing! Curious, if movement isn't felt, what does that mean?

This question was asked Apr. 15, 2015 5:07pm
Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

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Answered by Mrs.Mom - Apr. 20, 2015 3:54pm
Still nothing really Zippy. I noticed yesterday when I was pulling up my pants I thought I felt a kick. Twice that happened throughout the day as I pulled up my pants that kept falling down haha. Otherwise, nothing! :(

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Answered by zippyzap - Apr. 20, 2015 1:52pm
Hi Mrs. Mom, feeling anything yet? I'm just now starting to feel little somethings...but the ultrasound did confirm anterior placenta for me, so I won't feel much until a few weeks from now. I just get occasional bubbles low in my belly.

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Answered by lindsayannek - Apr. 18, 2015 3:02am
I'm 22 weeks pregnant with my second as well and only started feeling sporadic movements at about 19ish weeks. No anterior placenta either. I also started showing way earlier this time around - small bump at about 12 weeks when I didn't start showing at all until about 6 months with my first. I'm sure you will start feeling movement soon!

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Answered by Mrs.Mom - Apr. 17, 2015 6:44pm
Ya see my first time around I didn't show until week 24. This time around I started showing at 10 weeks! It's been unreal! So maybe that's making it harder to feel movement. Right now I'm the same size I was at 30 weeks first time around. Scary!

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Answered by mnor0406 - Apr. 16, 2015 9:28pm
I have a posterior placenta, which is supposed to make it easier to feel movement, and I still didn't feel strong movement until pretty late. Also, my belly didn't show until about 6 months. A lot depends on where baby hangs out and in what position. Our little lady stayed parked low in my pelvis and liked to face my spine at most ultrasounds.

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Answered by Mrs.Mom - Apr. 16, 2015 11:55am
No I haven't been told anything about my placenta this pregnancy or last. So I don't think that's the issue. Maybe I just need to wait a couple more weeks. My tummy has grown much faster this time around so maybe there's just more room for baby!

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Answered by cosmoholic - Apr. 16, 2015 11:38am
Oh and wanted to mention too that I also saw movements that I couldn't feel... it was chalked up to my anterior placenta. :)

I'm now almost 38 weeks along and she's big enough that I feel all the movements - even the ones in the middle of my belly.

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Answered by cosmoholic - Apr. 16, 2015 11:36am
Have you had an ultrasound? If so, did they tell you that you had an anterior placenta? If so it basically means that the placenta is between the baby and your belly so that it acts as a cushion to all those movements.

I have one and it took a long time to feel definitive kicks and prods... I felt the odd fluttering or nudge but always way down low like at my pubic bone.

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Answered by Mrs.Mom - Apr. 16, 2015 11:05am
Ok this makes me feel better. I've seen ladies saying they felt solid movement at 16 weeks some earlier which seems really early to me! Glad I'm not alone :). Hopefully I feel something soon!

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Answered by mnor0406 - Apr. 15, 2015 9:40pm
At first the movement I felt was just like small bubbles or flicks that could easily be missed or mistaken for gas especially since it was only 2 or 3 times a week. At first I thought it was just gas but when it started happening more often and no toots came out lol I finally realised what it was. I didn't start feeling solid consistent movement until 22-23 weeks or so but it was still softer and more subtle than I thought it would be. I found I could feel it better if I hugged a pillow tight against my pelvis/lower belly. Those solid kicks and rolls that were unmistakeable didn't really start for me until about 25-26 weeks. And just recently at 28-29 weeks I started seeing my belly move from the outside.

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