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Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

Asked by wotacutey

Q: Anyone doing it alone?

I recently convinced myself me & my bf were splittin up but I wanted to pay off his credit card before I told him so that he wasnâ??t left in debt. After a very down day I slept wiv my ex, father to my 4 year old daughter. I then found on this week that I am pregnant & although I suspect it may be my exs, there is still a small chance that it is my bfâ??s. I have told him, & he wants it to be his as he thinks we can make it work. But my ex also really wants it to be his & wants to give it another go. It would b nice to b a proper family with him & our daughter but I feel so guilty 2wards my bf. I donâ??t know what 2 do for the best. I am terrified of dealin with a 5 (by then) year old & a new baby, while holding down a full time job. I dunno if I could afford my house on maternity pay either. Ive decided that I am going to get a non invasive pre-natal paternity test but I cant do that for another 7 weeks & im sure this stress isnt good!!

This question was asked Jul. 4, 2012 1:51pm
Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

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Answered by Razzle_ - Jul. 4, 2012 2:44pm
hi, Im pregnant with baby number two, my son will be five when bubs will be here plus i work full time. I know how scary it is because Im a single parent and just wanted to wish you all the best whatever you decide to do x

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Answered by wotacutey - Jul. 4, 2012 2:34pm
I slept with them both within a day of each other so it could be either. All i have in favour of my ex is that he is super fertile from history.

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Answered by Brittany0915 - Jul. 4, 2012 2:18pm
also, i have done it alone with 2 kkids. i had great support from my family and i didnt find it hard, but alot of women are totally alone and have a hard time.

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Answered by Brittany0915 - Jul. 4, 2012 2:16pm
when did you miss your period ? count back about 2 weeks from that, (give or take) and who ever you were sleeping with at that time would be the father. it sounds to be like it would be your boyfriends, not the father to your other son, but only you can figure it out. it may be easier then getting the paternity test done, which is probley expensive
unless you were sleeping with them both within a couple days then you may be able to figure it out. as far as who you want to be with... thats all your decision. theres a reason it didnt work out with both of them dont forget. good luck to yoU!

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