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Category: Labour & Delivery

Asked by nipsnnibbles312


OK LADIES, I AM 34 WEEKS PREGNANT TODAY :-) YEAY!! ALMOST TIME and im so excited we made it this far!(we lost a baby last june,at 12 weeks so being this far is such a miracle)! AND IM JUST CURIOUS AND DOING SOME RESEARCH SO I WAS WONDERING
(were you induced, or did it happen naturally)
(was it C-section or natural)
(and how long were you in labor? please let me know if it was your 1st or 2nd etc, bc that makes a difference)

This question was asked Nov. 19, 2012 12:30pm
Category: Labour & Delivery

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Answered by gemma1991 - Nov. 19, 2012 4:12pm
1st was born on her due date of 21st march 2010 went into labour naturally ended up having emergency c-section
2nd due 19th december 2012

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Answered by leesa86 - Nov. 19, 2012 5:57pm
sorry just noticed the rest of your questions; it was from start to finish 26 hours ( from first contraction, not being in active labour) and He was born with forceps in the end xx

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Answered by noahsmama - Nov. 19, 2012 1:12pm
My son (first baby) was due 10/12/10 born on 10/16/10. My water broke the day before but i was put on pitocin anyways because i was not having contractions, labor was 27 hours from water breaking to having my baby boy, 2 hours of pushing.

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Answered by zaiobaio - Nov. 19, 2012 2:36pm
My son was due 28/03/2011 but he was born on 04/04/2011 after 15 hours of labor.i had water birth without any pain relief.Now the second baby is due on 22/02/2013 .....

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Answered by kaylia2oo5 - Nov. 19, 2012 7:36pm
1st baby was due February 2nd, 2005. She was born January 27th, 2005. (Induction with the cervical gel due to hypertension). Labor was 27 hrs and she was born naturally.

2nd baby was due November 13th, 2012. He was born November 9th, 2012. (Induction again with the cervical gel due to him being big, and they didn't want the blood pressure problems from last time). Labor was was just under 7hrs. He was born naturally :)

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Answered by Brittany0915 - Nov. 19, 2012 1:33pm
1st baby, due sept. 5, born sept. 15th (induction, w/ pitocin) labor was 6 hours
2nd baby, due july 2nd, born june 28th (induction,w/ water breaking, pitocin) labor was 8 hours
3rd baby, due nov.15, born october 27th -- water broke and contractions started 1hour later.labor was 9hours.

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Answered by nipsnnibbles312 - Nov. 20, 2012 2:24pm
thank all of you ladies for your answers! its amazing to see the due dates compared to actual birth dates....and in some case your babies were born on their actual due dates!! THANKS LADIES!! i am all set up nursery wise, diaper wise, had my baby shower!! all i have to do is install the car seat, and finish diaper/hospital bag!!
yesterday i went to the drs for the NON STRESS TEST, and they also sent me for a sonogram!
well NOVEMBER 2nd i went to the drs, and the baby was 3lbs 14 ozs. 17 days later yesterday NOVEMBER 19th she is ALREADY 5LBS 2OZS!! she is HUUGE!! dr said i will more than likely go in before my due date of JANUARY 1st 2013, but only time will tell! when she is ready she'll come!!

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