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Category: Miscarriage & Loss

Asked by hopeful329

Q: miscarrying #13

Hello ladies.....sad to say I am lossing another angel. If you have read my previous questions I was having hope. But its unfortunate my Dr. told me after my 2nd US that I would miscarry he wanted to schedule a D&C but I chose to do it natural hoping for some kind of miracle. But this past Tuesday I started spotting very dark almost black blood (sorry TMI), just today it is pink but in very small amounts but I have not passed any tissue yet....My question is, how long does this usually take natural? 2 of my pregnancies that were past 7 weeks I did D&C's but all the others were chemical. I've never went the natural way this far long. I am so upset I really thought this little bubba was gonna stick. We will be going to a Fertility clinic so they can do further testing. My doctor said the only thing i have wrong is my fibroids but i had a HSG done back in 08 and they told me my fibroids would not be causing the MC's but we've had fetal chromasomal testing done and there wa

This question was asked Dec. 9, 2012 9:31pm
Category: Miscarriage & Loss

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Answered by a member - Dec. 9, 2012 10:09pm
how far along did the fetus develop ? A friend of mine miscarried at 10 weeks and it was very painful for her. She needed to be hospitalized and on pain meds, and when she passed the fetus, it was like passing a baseball according to her. it was a very bad experiences for her, im so sorry for your many losses. praying for you!

I had a miscarrige at 5 weeks along and passed alot of blood and clots, but had no pain.

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Answered by hopeful329 - Dec. 9, 2012 9:32pm
Nothing wrong with the fetus. Anyone help please.....Thanks in advance :(

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