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Category: Labour & Delivery

Asked by a member

Q: I need help with trying to induce labor

Has any body tried castor oil to induce labor? I am so ready for this baby to come out but I wanna make sure it is safe to take castor oil. My husband wont have sex with me due to being so so close to deliver. Can any one help with inducing labor?

This question was asked Dec. 28, 2012 2:23am
Category: Labour & Delivery

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Answered by a member - Dec. 28, 2012 3:41am
A few of my friends swear that eating super spicy food started their delivery.

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Answered by a member - Dec. 28, 2012 3:01am
Thank you for your momment. I had a giggle and that was pretty cute.. Thank you for sharing that with me..

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Answered by brittthomp4 - Dec. 28, 2012 2:56am
I took castor oil with my last pregnancy. I was already at a 4 or 5 and my midwife told me to take the oil to induce me and she would see me within 24 hours lol. I did it, it was disgusting and I never went into labor. I felt like a well oiled tractor :) after the I had the runs of course. It may or may not work, it didn't work for me and I was already dilated.

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