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Category: Expecting Multiples

Asked by Mum2Many

Q: Is this a second gestational sac?

For some history. I know exactly when I ovulated, I then got a BFP at 7DPO, and had Beta hCG's done at 19DPO (1726) and 21DPO (3900).

I had a scan yesterday at 6+2wks which started as an external scan, we saw two blobs so switched to internet. Again I'm sure I saw two sacs, but the tech had a quick look and said only one heartbeat and no "friends" in there. She also said no bleeds or cysts... So what's this second dark area right up close to my baby's sac?


This question was asked Mar. 30, 2014 8:11am
Category: Expecting Multiples

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Answered by Mum2Many - Mar. 30, 2014 3:51pm
It's not my bladder. It appeared the same both with internal and external scans when my bladder was both full and empty. :( I am kicking myself for not asking now as I was just so pleased with one strong heartbeat... If it's not my bladder, and it's not a bleed or cyst, what on Earth is it?! LOL

I think I'm going to get another scan. My feeling is that it was a second empty sac and she didn't want to tell me because it wasn't viable.

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Answered by Debs1983 - Mar. 30, 2014 10:19am
I'm sure they would have said if there was 2, it's probably your bladder or something, gd luck x

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