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Category: Labour & Delivery

Asked by hereistohoping

Q: Handling people in the room during "show time"

In a recent conversation with my mother-in-law she stated how she couldn't wait to be there when our baby boy is born. I told her, and have told my own mother the same thing, that I don't care who is in the room up until it is time to push, but once it is go time I want everyone out except my hubby. My mother-in-law told me I was being selfish and unfair and that I was taking a right away from her as a grandma. Am I wrong to want that private moment with just my husband and our first baby? We tried for so long to get pregnant and I feel like everything I want is selfish in her eyes. Thoughts and opinions?

This question was asked May. 12, 2015 5:54pm
Category: Labour & Delivery

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Answered by bubica - Jun. 9, 2015 8:28am
She is so selfish!!!
This is your deliver, your baby- she had her's!
Don't let her lead your life, or you are so screwed ... If you don't show her boundaries in the start, you are going to have so much problems later.
Trust me, I've been there.
My mil offered me help after baby comes, and I said thank you, I wont need help. But she came, uninvited! And then, when we told her 3 days later it is time to leave, she was shocked why didn't we tell her that before!!! And then she's started calling me 10 times a day, on every phone in the house, from different numbers if I haven't answer immediately. And I couldn't move from nursing on the bead! She's thought she could help me in my bedroom ...

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