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Category: Baby Showers

Asked by rachann90

Q: Baby Shower

im due June 20 and want to have my baby shower June 2..now is that to late? or should i have it in May? i really want to have a bar b que type babyshower just because i live in the country lol so help me out ladies!!!

This question was asked Mar. 6, 2012 8:16pm
Category: Baby Showers

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Answered by becca.kay2 - Apr. 25, 2012 6:51pm
I'd do it the 3rd week of May! Just in case the baby comes early.

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Answered by Coomy08 - Mar. 7, 2012 7:00pm
I had mine about 2 months before my due date and a good thing I did because I went into labor a month early. That month extra I had gave me time to wash what clothes I got and organize things I got the way i wanted to and not feel rushed. I do like your bbq idea though but that can still be enjoyed in may :) Good luck on whatever you decide

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Answered by rachann90 - Mar. 7, 2012 4:38pm
thank you all i really needed that advice it helped alot so i will have it in may in the beginning..thank you again ladies :)

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Answered by cinderpumpkin - Mar. 7, 2012 3:48am
I had mine two months before my due date as well, besides starting to get more uncomforatable with baby bulge and peeing all the time it's given us time to figure out what else we would need for our lil Peanut and get the nursery ready. I would think about that a little bit before you pick your date esp if this is your first baby like it's ours. Good Luck=)

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Answered by PawMomma - Mar. 7, 2012 1:34am
I had mine about two months before my due date. I am a month from my due date now, and I am already quite uncomfortable and I don't feel like I would be up for a shower these days. A month makes a HUGE difference in how you feel. If you can go earlier, you will not regret it! Plus, if there are things you don't get from the shower, you have plenty of time to gather them before baby it here.

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Answered by JessicaWall11 - Mar. 6, 2012 10:17pm
Lol June 2 is my little girls first birthday ( ill be 6 months then). But I had mine 2 months early just because I wanted to make sure everything was just right before baby time.

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Answered by WearindRed - Mar. 6, 2012 9:58pm
Oh and let me add I went to my SIL shower two weeks before my due date with Em and well I hated every minute. I was contracting randomly and had to pee every ten mins. And felt like a beached blue whale. You grow so fast in the last month. Even if you feel up to something one day the next maybe too much.

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Answered by DestinyStarr - Mar. 6, 2012 9:52pm
I had my baby shower two months before my due date. I wanted to have that 'cute' pregnancy look instead of the uncomfortable waddling look LMAO -- vain, I know, but true. LOL Seriously though, as Red said, if you do it a little bit earlier it is a little easier on you to enjoy. The later in pregnancy you get there is a risk you could deliver early or be on bedrest (like I was)... not to mention just general uncomfortability. In retrospect, I got SO darn big at the end that I couldn't imagine that I would've been very comfortable at a shower that late in the last trimester.

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Answered by WearindRed - Mar. 6, 2012 9:02pm
I wouldn't want to wait that late because you won't have long to put things away. What if you go into labor 2 weeks early? That would only give you 4 days to put everything away. You can still have a bbq shower in late May maybe a week earlier?

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