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Category: Labour & Delivery

Asked by blondemama2acutie

Q: Braxton Hicks or the real thing??

Okay so since early yesterday morning I've been having very strong cramps in lower back and lower abdomen. I swear these are contractions but right now they aren't getting any closer just stronger. Doctors appointment tomorrow. I'm 35 weeks is anybody else experiencing this?

This question was asked Mar. 12, 2012 2:18pm
Category: Labour & Delivery

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Answered by blondemama2acutie - Mar. 14, 2012 2:49pm
If you read my last response I said "thanks for your answers ladies" - ladies meaning everyone who took the time to answer. Anybody can vote who is reading the question whether an answer was helpful or not and its unfortunate that you are worked up enough to take the time to comment about it. Please do not start conflicts on questions that are asked by myself.
Doctor said it was false labour but to watch out for signs of the contractions becoming closer together.
I believe my question was asking for experiences or if anyone else was experiencing this, if it was read properly. Clearly no one can tell you through a chat forum whether you are in labour or not.
Maybe my question headline through you off?? Your answer was still helpful.

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Answered by a member - Mar. 13, 2012 1:36pm
I would just like to know why there is an obvious dislike to what I said..why would any of us want to say yes..or no..your in labor..if you need to ask the question...then its clear that you need a doc to tell you...thats just for safety..it wouldn't be a responsible response from any of us to say either or and then something happen.You shouldn't ask a question with a biased answer set in your head already.that defeats the whole purpose of this opinion answer question section. Hope all is well though..and I am still curious to see if you were in labor or not.

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Answered by blondemama2acutie - Mar. 12, 2012 6:49pm
Thanks for your answers ladies :) very helpful! I don't remember experiencing anything with my first son two years ago until labour was actually induced..so any pain this early is all new to me! Just thought I would ask for some experiences so I don't wind up sitting in the hospital for hours for nothing lol.

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Answered by WearindRed - Mar. 12, 2012 5:41pm
Braxton hicks is just a fancy name for non productive contractions. So some are painful some aren't. If there is no pattern or they come and go then most docs will tell you its braxton hicks so you don't freak your having contractions before you are in labor. I was told by a labor and delivery nurse my labor contractions were braxton hicks 10 mins before my water broken becuase while they were in a good labor pattern I wasn't changing. Always double check and trust your self.

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Answered by kayersx2 - Mar. 12, 2012 5:20pm
From my experience braxton hicks can hurt and for me did very much so i didnt sleep at night for the last 2 weeks i was preg cause i had braxton hicks and for me they did get stronger the only thing they didnt do was get closer they were all over the place.....i was so used to them that i went into labor and was in labor the whole day but didnt know it by the time i actually started counting the time between contractions i was in pain on the floor crying .....so my advice is always asume its real deal and then see if they get stronger and closer and dont be afraid to call them after hours thats what they r suposed to do answer our questions

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Answered by a member - Mar. 12, 2012 3:40pm
I'm guessing that it is pre labor contractions..but there really is no way for us on cdmp to know. I'm glad to hear that your seeing the doc..he/she will give you a good idea of whats going on..:)

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