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Category: Labour & Delivery

Asked by nadles88

Q: Giving birth

Everytime i think about giving birth it freaks me out, just thinking of the pain my friend has 2 kids and she said she is scared to give birth again coz of the pain...can you choose not to give birth naturally or does the midwife tell you when? and also do they really examin you with there hands i heard its bit uncomfortable?

This question was asked Mar. 12, 2012 11:20pm
Category: Labour & Delivery

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Answered by CRW122411 - Mar. 13, 2012 11:22am
A midwife is like a nurse and they will help you deliver how you want. You can ask for an epidural and then there wouldn't be any pain. My mother did both me and my brother naturally and she said that it is not as bad as most people say because she did not scream or anything. She said it is how women did this forever without pain medication. My mother also said that it was very rewarding

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Answered by mjjmbnmm - Mar. 13, 2012 3:22am
Yes it hurts, but it's so worth it. I have 2 kids naturally and plan to do the same with my 3rd. If you don't want a natural birth then you need to get an OB and have an epidural. C-sections are ment for medical reasons. and the recovery time is much longer.

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Answered by WearindRed - Mar. 13, 2012 12:31am
In the last month at your check up and during labor. A midwife will not give you an option. She is there for the safety of you and your baby. And is working toward no c-section. If you think you will need a c-section then you should be seeing an OB NOT A MIDWIFE.

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Answered by nadles88 - Mar. 13, 2012 12:12am
When do they do the whole hand thingy? so the midwife says you can give birth naturally or you need a c section, or can you say no i would like a c section? sorry im new to this so im not sure they say it depends on your mum aswell and my mum had 2 c sections so she thinks i might b to small to give birth naturally.

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Answered by WearindRed - Mar. 12, 2012 11:40pm
Yes they check you with their hand. You don't really care because the baby is right there and it more uncomfortable. And if you don't want to have pain then find a doctor and get an epidual. If you are using a midwife you really don't have an choice they are only set up for women to deliver the way God intended. I am not going to lie and say it didn't hurt but really the pain was not that bad when you think about you get in return it is all worth it.

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