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Category: Labour & Delivery

Asked by Artisticat

Q: 39w 6d Tiny amount of blood when I wiped. Should I go to the hospital?

Even though there was a small amount and there is no sign of anything else. The problem is, I'm not sure if it came from front or back. Wiping both now individually, I can find no other trace of blood or anything. =/ Should I go anyway?

I've also had a bit of a dull ache/cramp all day with some dull contractions.

This question was asked Mar. 16, 2012 12:37am
Category: Labour & Delivery

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Answered by Mamaof2soon3 - Mar. 16, 2012 2:51am
Mama..Do what your mommy intuition is telling you. :) Whats a few hours at the hospital if it ends up being better for your baby.... Judging by the fact that you were leery about the blood to the point of asking the question...I would say go on in to the hospital..if anything it will make you feel good knowing everything is ok! Good Luck. Congrats ahead of time to the new born youre about to hold in your hands any day!!!

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Answered by lisserb - Mar. 16, 2012 2:31am
You may be getting ready to lose your mucous plug if you haven't already. A little spotting this far along, as long as you don't have any unusual pain should be fine. Do your kick counts and if that is good, you're probably fine.
Sending you quick and easy labor vibes!

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Answered by sydmama - Mar. 16, 2012 12:58am
No! Dont go unless it gets heavy :-) sometimes when you dilate your cervix becomes tender and spots a little :-) happened to me right before i went into labor last pregnancy :-) sounds like it is almost babytime!!!!!!!

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