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Category: Labour & Delivery

Asked by a member

Q: Is cervix dilated or just hard?

I have checked my cervix a couple of times for the past couple of weeks. Mainly due to shooting pains I get once in a while. I haven't been checking for dilation just mainly texture and to see if there is any discharge that is a abnormal color. I would check my cervix for fertility before I conceived so I know the whole routine of being clean when doing it.
The past couple of times I have checked it has been really really soft. I have never had it that soft before. I figured that is because I am at 36 weeks. Today I checked more for discharge because I had done a lot of walking over the past couple of days running errands. I have had issues with spotting earlier in the pregnancy after walking and just wanted to make sure I don't need to go on 24 hour bed rest. So I don't find my really soft cervix this time. I think what i felt was my cervix. But it was really hard. Would it change like that? Bringing this up with my doctor will be beyond useless because she does nothing.

This question was asked Mar. 16, 2012 3:55am
Category: Labour & Delivery

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Answered by angelanna - Mar. 16, 2012 4:34pm
that just sounds like your not effaced or thinned out yet, but that doesn't mean you haven't dilated you can still be dilated,, i was a 2 then would go back to a 1 and keep doing like that with my first for like 3 weeks before any actual labor happened....

but yeah generally hard cervix means your not effaced. contractions soften the cervix and dilate it, but it could happen at different times....Good Luck!!!

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Answered by JessicaWall11 - Mar. 16, 2012 4:11pm
If your dr is doing nothing ( I know how it goes) call the OB wing at the Hospital and let them know whats going on. At 34 weeks I was starting to call about everything with my first. THey are use to it and no question is ever stupid. hope that helps good luck

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