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Category: Labour & Delivery

Asked by angelanna

Q: Checklist for Hospital for L&D....


i found this site that i posted above, and it lists a whole bunch of things which i am glad i looked up i totally forgot about toiletries XD

Anyways, just curious besides things on this lists here, what are some things you guys used or planning on bringing for you, baby and dad?

For baby i already packed just onesises, mittens, light hat, blanket, receiving blanket, diapers, wipes, changing pad, that bulb thingy u put in the nose haha i forgot whats called...umm pacifier, and a bib... i dont think he will need much as the Hospital will give me more stuff there....so any ideas girls? Feel free to share :)

This question was asked Mar. 16, 2012 9:46pm
Category: Labour & Delivery

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Answered by angelanna - Mar. 19, 2012 1:53am
i know the hospital has diapers, wipes and all that but my in my plan i chose for them to use the stuff i bring....which is already set up.....i plan on cloth diapers which i already have in my diaper bag....and cloths instead of wipes for first months....i did that with all my kids.....but i was thinking more of what to bring for daddy and me.....

i packed a lot for baby , we live like 1 hours away from hospital and i plan on staying with family afterwards for first couple of days.. .(:

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Answered by mjjmbnmm - Mar. 17, 2012 4:45pm
The hospital will have diapers, wipes, pacifer, and the bulb. Also hospitals usually just put a snap shirt on the baby and wrap it in a blanket instead of onesies. The only thing you really need for the baby is what you paln on bringing her/him home in.

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Answered by blondemama2acutie - Mar. 16, 2012 11:51pm
This time around I plan on bringing lots of snacks! Hospital food is not very tasty lol..

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Answered by a guest - Mar. 16, 2012 10:42pm
hmm, plenty of pads and knickers for you. change of pjs, smelly stuff, lil snacks like sweets and fruit for you and dad. magazine or two, breast pads, slippers, i will keep thinking

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