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Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

Asked by onemor83

Q: Starting my 13th wk, not showing & no movement, anyone else?

Ok, I've been pregnant 4 times so I'm not new to this in anyway,but I'm wondering why I'm not showing yet & why I haven't felt movement. With my 1st child I had the slighest little bump around this time & she was moving all around. With my second I only made it a little past 12 wks & wasn't showing or had no movement.My 3rd pregnancy,by the time I hit 13 wks I was retaining water like crazy ,so I was swollen everywhere..couldn't really tell if I was showing or bloated lol & don't remember when I felt movement...I'm not a big woman,pretty average size...just wondering if anyone else is in the same boat?

This question was asked Aug. 12, 2011 1:56pm
Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

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Answered by jquedal - Aug. 12, 2011 7:58pm
I am on my third too, and my first I felt at 14 weeks, there was no doubt. My daughter moved ALL the time until she was born, and still hasn't stopped. My second, my son, took forever to feel! He didn't move much in general, and sometimes I would shake him a bit just to see if he would respond, but I also had an anterior placenta with him, which made me less likely to feel smaller, earlier movements. Have you asked your care provider where your placenta is located?

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Answered by peaceloveandtattoos - Aug. 12, 2011 7:27pm
I am around 4 weeks with my 3rd baby.... so no, i am not exactly in your position.
BUT i do know that every pregnancy is different, and 13 weeks is pretty early to feel movement.
I think the best thing us expecting moms can do for ourselves and our babies is to just relax and let nature run its course.
I am sure your baby is ok...If you are super concerned, you could always go in to your doc and have them check it out!
Good luck! Hope you get some reassurance soon!

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Answered by onemor83 - Sep. 26, 2011 9:48pm
I am now in my 19th wk..feeling movement but still not showing. Thanks shylarochelle1

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Answered by onemor83 - Aug. 12, 2011 9:02pm
I've never heard of anterior placenta...but I have an appt next wed. & I'll be sure to ask..thanks :).....thanks for both of your replys.

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Answered by Shylarochelle1 - Sep. 26, 2011 8:35pm
Dont worry! I didnt show until i was almost 5 months and i didnt feel my son move until 18 weeks. everyone is different some feel their babies move earlier and some move later on. It doesnt mean anything is wrong. Give it a few more weeks hun!

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