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Category: Labour & Delivery

Asked by Peanut101

Q: Cesearean and Natural Delivery

It's been determined that I will probably have a cesearean.
The preliminary date is scheduled for 39 weeks.

I am afraid of going into labour before that -
Should I be preparing for that just in case? How do I do that?
What are the chances of that happening?
Almost starting the last trimester and I am starting to get quite concerned about all the things that still has to happen...

This question was asked Mar. 19, 2012 11:35am
Category: Labour & Delivery

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Answered by a member - Mar. 29, 2012 10:27am
Depends on why you are having a c-section if its a bridge baby you can't give normal birth in any such case they will go to an emergency c-section. If not the case and you have to give normal birth they can give you an injection that will make you numb from you stomach down just be sure to go to hospital imd. when you suspect to go in labour even if can be a false alarm if ur cervix deliuted to far they will not be able to give you an ijection both c-section and normal birth is amazing that "finally" feeling and holding the baby you will not think about any pain u had when holding your baby and seeing the small finger ,toes, feet knowing you created something so perfect hearing your babies voice for the1st time try to rather think about things like that all comes naturally.Won't help to tell you don't stress cause not gonna happen think about holding ur baby for the1st time knw God trusted u engough to make u the protector to 1 of his angels so HE knows & u should know u

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Answered by Candy777 - Mar. 19, 2012 12:52pm
Hi hun, Just be prepared incase, but if it does happen just remember once your water breaks its not going to happen immediatley :) My neighbour had a planned C section her water broke so her husband rushed her to the hospital and she still had her c-section :) Her baby come much earlier than planned though. her water broke at 34 weeks. Good luck hun, just take it easy everything happens the way it should in the end xox

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