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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by TigerLilly0930

Q: When did you start showing?

Hi ladies,
I'm almost 11 weeks pregnant, and I'm definitely not showing yet..but I am feeling totally bloated and because of this, I have to wear bellabands frequently. Just curious when you started to show?

This question was asked Mar. 23, 2012 7:56pm
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by jambolina81 - Mar. 28, 2012 6:51pm
I started to show with my first at 23 weeks. With this pregnancy, I started showing at around 10 weeks.

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Answered by Sybella - Mar. 26, 2012 9:41pm
I didnt start showing till 23wks with my first but I was only 49kilos and had really tight abdominals so thats probably why. My belly just popped out over night!

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Answered by emilyolsen92 - Mar. 24, 2012 8:26pm
With my first I didnt start showing until about 16-17 weeks. (you couldnt tell if I was wearing a shirt but if i lifted it up you could tell a little). This pregnancy I could tell my belly was getting more round around 6 weeks. But it didnt start sticking out until about 10 weeks.

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Answered by Coomy08 - Mar. 24, 2012 4:02pm
With my 1st I didn't really start showing till around 16-18 weeks, but this one started popping out about week 10 now at 13 weeks I can def tell and if I'm not wearing baggy clothes others can tell too.

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Answered by babylove14 - Mar. 23, 2012 11:39pm
i wasnt showing at 11 weeks. i had a tiny bump at 15 weeks. between 16 and 20 weeks my bump had a growth spurt! i feel like it happened overnight.

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Answered by knicole27 - Mar. 23, 2012 11:24pm
This is my first and while I think I am showing now at 15 weeks not many others can tell and I can still wear my prepregnancy jeans so... yes i show in some clothes and some I don't at all but just noticed a proper small bump here near the end of week 14 into 15. :) Some ladies though won't start showing until week 16-18 or so with their first but it all depends on body type, uterus position etc. You will get there! I didn't have a bump either at 11 weeks, or at 12 or 13 weeks at that.. started noticing a firm fullness at week 14.

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Answered by JessicaWall11 - Mar. 23, 2012 11:15pm
with my first i was showing by 10 wks. With this one i was showing earlier just because it went into memory mode

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Answered by mrykayser - Mar. 23, 2012 10:24pm
With my first pregnancy I showed at about 15 weeks

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Answered by Steph35 - Mar. 23, 2012 9:15pm
I'm 19 weeks and I just started using the band because my pants are finally getting tight. Up until about a week ago, I don't think I was showing much at all. Everyone's different, some show much earlier than others.

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Answered by danni179 - Mar. 23, 2012 8:41pm
It wasnt until about 15-16 weeks I started to get a proper bump that definitely wasn't bloating but everyone is different :)

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