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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by a member

Q: Ultrasound

Hi everyone,

I have a question that may sound silly and I'm sorry if it is but I'm kinda confused on the whole U/S thing. It has been so long sense I have had a kid that I don't know anything about anything anymore. I am scheduled to get a U/S next week and I will be 5 weeks fetal age so 7 weeks gestational age. I've had a lot of previous problems so we are checking early.
My question to all of you is...When you go in for a U/S and they say you can hear a heartbeat at 6-7 weeks, do they mean fetal or gestation? I looked up some info online and from what I gathered it goes by gestation. If anyone knows what I can expect to see or hear that would be wonderful. Thanks so much

This question was asked Aug. 16, 2011 12:18pm
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by luvinlife78 - Aug. 16, 2011 1:34pm
Thanks for the answers so quick. And to answer one of them...I am not really worried about the heartbeat. I am more concerned to see the fetal pole and sac. That was my problem in the past. So really, that is all I'm really hoping to see. As long as I know everything is growing like it should. Thank you again.

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Answered by a member - Aug. 16, 2011 1:04pm
They mean gestational age, but don't panic if you don't see/hear a heartbeat. Sometimes even 7 weeks is too early for that sort of thing. If you can see the gestational sac and fetal pole, you should be pleased with that.
Good luck.

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Answered by a member - Aug. 16, 2011 1:04pm
I went in at 7 weeks gestation and I didn't hear the heart beat but I did see it, it also depends on the machine that's being used... anyway to answer your question I think it's 6-7 weeks gestation.

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