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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by a member

Q: 4 weeks 4days and lines are not getting darker!

why are my lines on pregnancy strips are not getting darker?Am I loosing the baby?Have you had that and continued with a healthy pregnancy?Please if you can answer do!

This question was asked Aug. 16, 2011 6:07pm
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by onemor83 - Aug. 17, 2011 4:43pm
I think I must have peed on about 6 different test & they never got really dark,just dark enough to tell it was a line & my friend took her test & they were bright the very 1st time...a few days later she miscarried,so I honestly don't think that a light line has anything to do with that...all of our bodys are different & so are our pregnancies..don't freak out...I'm sure everything is fine.

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Answered by a member - Aug. 17, 2011 3:39am
Thank you soo much!

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Answered by kristenm514 - Aug. 16, 2011 10:46pm
This happened to me in the beginning as well. Home tests are made to tell you one thing and one thing only -- whether you are pregnant or not pregnant. The strength of the line is not a reliable indication that hcg levels are increasing or not. Also, the amount of fluids you've had to drink, time of day, and many other factors can affect your results. It took a week or more after my first faint tests to get a "strong" positive, and even that was not as dark as my FIRST test at 3 1/2 weeks with my last pregnancy. So, I am sure you are fine...just wait until your appointment, and get your bloodwork done.

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