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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by Yuplayin

Q: My HCG Levels

Hi Ladies,

Just decided to come and get others opinions on this issue. I went to the Dr. for another reason and found out that I was pregnant, mind you it wasn't even time for my period to even arrive yet. They tested my blood and gave me a vaginal ultrasound. They stated that my levels were 1072 at the time and the Dr. stated that those were extremely low numbers I should be in the 5 digits between 3 - 5 wks preggo. I went back 2 days later and had it drawn again and it was 2070 and they are still saying it is low. I am scheduled this week for an ultrasound. Has anyone been told how high your HCG levels should be? When I checked around it seemed to me that those numbers were fine. I have had 3 miscarriages in the past.

This question was asked Aug. 22, 2011 4:48pm
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by nostress - Oct. 8, 2011 1:39pm
I was 84.7 at 12DPO and 252 at 14DPO and my nurse said that was great.

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Answered by jlsolomon122 - Aug. 25, 2011 7:17pm
I had my levels checked at the emergency room by accident. Doc wanted yes or no test to do a cat scan. Lab did levels instead. They were at 84. Doc said that equates to 3-4 weeks.

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Answered by Mummyto3tobe - Aug. 24, 2011 1:25am
I had my HCG levels done at around 5 weeks and they were 30,000 then again at 7 weeks and they were 90,000 so I'm not sure really how it works..

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Answered by JLMarks - Aug. 22, 2011 8:42pm
heck my numbers went from 54 to 124 t0 994 and my doctor said those where good. Not sure what your doctor was talking about.

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Answered by allioak - Aug. 22, 2011 6:55pm
I'm not sure what your doctor is thinking...Your numbers seem perfectly find.

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Answered by Yuplayin - Aug. 22, 2011 5:28pm
Thank you Nasiako

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Answered by nasiako - Aug. 22, 2011 5:13pm

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