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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by Teenmommy22

Q: Terriffied of miscarriage

Hey everyone,
So I found out a week ago that I am pregnant. I will be 5 weeks Tuesday and I can't stop worrying that I will have a miscarriage! This is my first pregnancy and I do not wanna loose this baby.
I will not allow myself to get excited yet. Its like i'm just waiting for it to happen.
How likely is it I will have a miscarriage? And since my mom had a miscarriage with her first pregnancy does that mean this pregnancy for me is doomed?

This question was asked Aug. 28, 2011 7:18pm
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by sunny-day73 - Aug. 31, 2011 9:11pm
I worried about this constantly at first, and I believe that part of that is normal. I found it helpful to try and take it week by week, instead of just waiting to be out of that first trimester. I also found it helps me to keep a journal of my pregnancy. I know it's early, but I take a weekly pic of my tummy, and write symptoms, and how the baby is developing each week. And try and stay away from google, and other threads about m/c. It'll just make you worry more. I'm 7 weeks in today, and although I still worry about it from time to time, I'm nowhere near as focused on it as I was in the beginning. Just remember, there's nothing you can do to stop it from happening, so try to relax and enjoy your first pregnancy. :)

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Answered by mandy639 - Aug. 30, 2011 9:18pm
Im so glad you have posted this. I am 5 weeks as well and have known we are expecting for a week now and I can't help but worry about a miscarrige almost everyday. Im not stressing about it just worried about it. Im glad im not alone. This is my first pregnancy too and Ive heard of a lot of woman having them that I feel as tho the chances are high. My family and Husband tell me not to worry and that if I do miscarry it wasn't meant to be but I can't help but think about it :( I will be thinking about you and your little one while I worry about my little one. Maybe together our babies will hold on!

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Answered by amelianicole - Aug. 30, 2011 3:16am
I'm worried about this too :/ I'm testing again on Saturday to make sure everything is okay! All we can do is try not to stress and pray that everything will be okay. I'm pretty sure miscarriages aren't genentic either. If you see any signs of a miscarriage then call your doctor asap! We're all here for you <33

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Answered by peaceloveandtattoos - Aug. 29, 2011 10:34pm
Something like 15% of pregnancies end in MC, and 80% of those happen in the first trimester. Try not to stress....and i can tell you that reading a lot of these blogs will make you worry and dwell on it more. I wasnt worried about MC at all until i started reading a lot of these blogs (not only this site) and hearing other women having MC's.
It will be exactly as it should be....Send the growing bean in your belly all the love you have! It will all be ok no matter what!

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Answered by sugar_magnolia - Aug. 28, 2011 10:57pm
Just because your mother had a miscarriage does not mean you will have one as well. Because you are so young, you actually have a better chance of sustaining your pregnancy. You just have to take it one day at a time and see what happens. If you were to miscarry, know that it will be because there was something wrong with the embryo and no matter what, it was not viable. Miscarriage is natures way of telling us that something was clearly wrong. But if you haven't been spotting or having heavy cramping, you should be fine. Don't go looking for trouble, ok? Just be cautiously happy and it will get better. I was worried about my pregnancy, too, but I've made it to 9 weeks so far without any problems and I feel like once I hit 12 weeks, I can exhale.
Good luck.

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