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Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

Asked by a member

Q: Lower Abdominal Pain During Bowel Movement

I had really sharp pains all throughout my lower abdomen while making a bowel movement this morning. It went away right after. Is this normal? It was right around my uterus and ovaries area...I am around 6 weeks.

This question was asked Aug. 31, 2011 1:16pm
Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

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Answered by Shannybum - Sep. 1, 2011 5:38pm
It's funny I read this yesterday and thought to myself "hm, never had it, can't help there" but then I experienced those pains last night! so weird. glad to see it's "normal" though.

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Answered by Shannybum - Sep. 1, 2011 5:38pm
It's funny I read this yesterday and thought to myself "hm, never had it, can't help there" but then I experienced those pains last night! so weird. glad to see it's "normal" though.

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Answered by allioak - Sep. 1, 2011 5:47pm
Thank you all so much for the responses. I was so nervous when it happened and luckily no pains this morning. At least if it happens again I won't freak out!

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Answered by jkg9510 - Aug. 31, 2011 6:04pm
I get it, too. My doctor said its normal and it doesnt hurt the baby. Mine actually turned to constipation and my doctor said i can take colase to help. It because tissues are softening in your body and they have a harder time eliminating waste.

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Answered by onemor83 - Aug. 31, 2011 5:42pm
I get it every 2 wks..my friend had it for the 1st time last night & she was kinda freaking out...theres not a lot you can do..I tend to put pressure on that area when I have to go...I'm guessing its from the muscles in your lower stomach or ligaments....i know its painful, but you have to just push through it.

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Answered by chorizanopales - Aug. 31, 2011 6:56pm
constipation is normal during pregnancy. As long as it is not accompanied with bleeding or constant pains it is normal. Although if bleeding occurs I highly recommend seeing your physician as hemorrhoids have been known to happen during pregnancy. Otherwise I just advise you to drink lots of water. Hydration can make things go "smoother" and reduce discomfort.

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Answered by octivia - Aug. 31, 2011 2:26pm
I'm happy you posted this. From week 5-6 this happened every single time I had a bowel movement. It was the worst in the morning but it did continue through most of the day if I went again.

Sorry, I have no idea what it is, but it did go away for me. My guess is that the pelvic region is sensitive and any "pressure" hurts...but that's only my guess

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